compound no - Why bio-based plastics? bioplastics 274x300 - Why bio-based plastics?Keep­ing in view the dimin­ish­ing fos­sil fuel reserves, an increas­ing num­ber of indus­tries are show­ing immense inter­est in bio-based plas­tics. It is remark­able to learn that approx­i­mate­ly 4% of the glob­al oil pro­duc­tion is trans­formed into plas­tics for a host of prod­ucts — com­mon­ly shop­ping bags and exte­ri­or car pan­els. Then, a small per­cent­age is also uti­lized in pro­cess­ing indus­tries as oil-based plas­tics require con­sid­er­able vol­umes of ener­gy for man­u­fac­tur­ing pur­pos­es. Fur­ther­more, the uti­liza­tion of car­bon-based ener­gy resources for man­u­fac­tur­ing plas­tics con­tribute to unde­sir­able green­hous­es gas­es, obstruct­ing the glob­al efforts towards lim­it­ing car­bon diox­ide release. Need­less to say, bio­plas­tics have unprece­dent­ed ben­e­fits rel­a­tive to the oil-based plas­tic. Out­lined below are some of the major advan­tages of bio-based plas­tics :

Reduced Car­bon Footprint

Plas­tic made using bio­log­i­cal sources insu­late the car­bon diox­ide stored by the plant dur­ing the nat­ur­al process of pho­to­syn­the­sis. In case the ensu­ing bio­plas­tic reduces into water and car­bon diox­ide, this insu­la­tion is upturned. How­ev­er, when you have a per­ma­nent bio­plas­tic that’s sim­i­lar to poly­eth­yl­ene or usu­al plas­tic, the car­bon diox­ide remains stored ever­last­ing­ly. No mat­ter how many times the plas­tic is recy­cled, the car­bon diox­ide orig­i­nal­ly drawn from the sur­round­ing remains clois­tered.

Reduced Ener­gy Costs of Manufacturing

Bio-based plas­tics incur less­er ener­gy cost dur­ing the pro­duc­tion process. Con­verse­ly, plas­tics that are made using 4% of the world’s oil pro­duc­tion each year incur greater ener­gy costs. As a result of oil short­age, the plas­tic man­u­fac­tur­ing process is exposed to con­stant­ly fluc­tu­at­ing prices.

No Non-Renew­able Resources 

One of the biggest advan­tages of bio-based plas­tic is that it doesn’t uti­lize any non-renew­able resources as raw mate­r­i­al to be man­u­fac­tured. Instead, it only requires renew­able and sus­tain­able resources such as bio­mass, veg­etable oil, plants, etc.

They are Biodegradable

It is notable that bio­plas­tics are 100% biodegrad­able. They are as strong and flex­i­ble as tra­di­tion­al plas­tic. More­over, they have appli­ca­tions in a broad range of sec­tors includ­ing pack­ag­ing, agri­cul­ture, med­i­cine, tex­tile, con­struc­tion, and many more.

Reduced Per­ma­nent Litter

Reduced Permanent Litter 300x215 - Why bio-based plastics?From a safe-envi­ron­­ment point of view, bio­plas­tics help in reduc­ing the amount of per­ma­nent lit­ter that con­t­a­m­i­nates the envi­ron­ment we live in. Plas­tic uti­lized for mak­ing and using shop­ping bags is prob­a­bly the most com­mon exam­ple how the envi­ron­ment can be adverse­ly impact­ed. Beyond look­ing unsight­ly, they pose seri­ous health haz­ards. A major chunk of the over­all lit­ter found in oceans com­pris­es dis­pos­able plas­tic bags. This is why more and more peo­ple are real­iz­ing the sig­nif­i­cance of using biodegrad­able plas­tic bags (bio­plas­tic) to reduce the amount of pol­lu­tion. We take immense pride in invest­ing in bio-based poly­mer man­u­fac­tur­ing in an attempt to cre­ate a sus­tain­able future and pre­serve the non-renew­able resources today. In addi­tion to our Furan series which main­ly com­pris­es FDCA and its com­pounds, we also stock pre­cious met­al cat­a­lyst, preg­nenolone steroid hor­mones, het­ero­ge­neous cat­a­lyst, and var­i­ous oth­er chem­i­cal for­mu­la­tions. Con­tact us now for queries or plac­ing orders.