compound no - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)


  • BIS-GMA, UDMA, TEDG­MA, γ-MPS, min­er­al filler, pho­­to-ini­­ti­a­­tor, sta­bi­liz­er, etc
  • The poly­mer­ic com­po­si­tion accounts for 21.6wt% and min­er­al fill­ings account for 78.4%
  • The size of glass pow­der is ≤3um and the nano-sized sphere SiO2 is ≤0.04um
  • Oth­er ingre­di­ents : pho­­to-ini­­ti­a­­tor, polar­iza­tion inhibitor and pigments


  • Class I, III, IV cav­i­ties of ante­ri­or and class V of all teeth
  • Class I, II, IV of pos­te­ri­or with less occlusal forces
  • Large area caries restoration
  • Aethet­ic restoration
  • Den­tal fill­ing before crown restoration


  • Sat­is­fy­ing aes­thet­ic effects
  • Sim­ple clin­i­cal operation
  • Eas­i­er cav­i­ty prepa­ra­tion than using amal­gam capsules
Self made spherical silica particles give better filling effects and flowability - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)

Self-made spher­i­cal sil­i­ca
par­ti­cles give bet­ter fill­ing
effects and flowability 

Mechan­i­cal Performance

Flex­ur­al Strength (MPa)128
Com­pres­sive Strength(MPa)273
Water Absorp­tion (ug/​mm3)20
Dis­solv­ing Val­ue (ug/​mm3)0.56
Cur­ing Depth (mm)>2.5

Com­pared to Oth­er Brands

Filler Content Comparison - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)
Filler Con­tent 
Mechanical Performance Comparison - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)
Mechan­i­cal Performance 

Polymerization Shrinkage Comparison - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)
Poly­mer­iza­tion Shrinkage (%) 


Fill­ing Percentage (%)78.479.483
Aver­age Size of Fill­ings (um)
Com­pres­sive Strength (MPa)270278330
Flex­ur­al Strength (MPa)120128125
Elas­tic­i­ty Modulus98801120012800
Vick­ers Hardness606878
Cur­ing Shrink­age (%)

Uni­ver­sal (01001)


  • Suit­able for both ante­ri­or and pos­te­ri­or teeth
  • High performance/​price index, inter­na­tion­al qual­i­ty and rea­son­able price
  • Supe­ri­or oper­abil­i­ty, not sticky to instruments
  • Low poly­mer­iza­tion shrink­age, <2.4%
  • Con­tin­u­al­ly release flu­o­ride ions and effec­tive­ly pre­vent sec­ondary cav­i­ty High mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties : high cor­ro­sion resis­tance, flex­ur­al strength>120MPa, com­pres­sive strength >270MPa, sur­face hard­ness >60MPa
  • Good pol­ish­ing prop­er­ty. The ratio of inor­gan­ic fill­ing mate­ri­als as high as 78% with aver­age diam­e­ter of 0.6 micron
  • Con­form to VITA board, the after-treat­­ment effect is sta­ble and satisfying
  • Good X-ray radiopacity
4.0gsyringe - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)

++Shades : (Con­form to VITA Board classic)++

  • A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, C4, D2, D3D4 

++Ready Prod­uct++

  • 4.0g/syringe

Pos­te­ri­or (01002)


  • Suit­able for pos­te­ri­or teeth restoration
  • Bet­ter mechan­i­cal per­for­mance and wear resistance
  • High­er fill­ing ratio up to 82% by weight
Posterior 4.0g - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)

++Shades : (Con­form to VITA Board classic)++

  • A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1B2

++Ready Prod­uct++ 

  • 4.0g/syringe

Flow­able (01003)


  • Good flowa­bil­i­ty and phys­i­cal properties
  • Extreme­ly low poly­mer­iza­tion shrinkage
  • The metal­lic nee­dle tips assure free of bubbles
Flowable 3.0 - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)

++Shades : (Con­form to VITA Board classic)++ 

  • A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1B2

++Ready Prod­uct++

  • 3.0g/syringe

Dou­ble Cur­ing Core (01006)


  • Dou­ble poly­mer­iza­tion reac­tion, chem­i­cal and light cur­ing ensure excel­lent mechan­i­cal per­for­mance up to 360MPa, and flex­ur­al strength>165up for core building
3.0gsyringe - PolyBerg Nano-Hybrid Composites (NHC)

++Ready Prod­uct++

  • 8.0g/syringe

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