• D&B Number: 68-718-2908
Service Category - Component Analysis

Com­po­nent Analysis 

Con­duct analy­sis on unknown sub­stances and com­po­nents. With the help of com­po­nent analy­sis tech­nol­o­gy, we can quick­ly define the var­i­ous com­po­nents in tar­get sam­ples, and help you car­ry out qual­i­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive analy­ses of your sam­ples, such as iden­ti­fy­ing raw mate­ri­als, addi­tives, com­po­si­tions & con­tents, and for­eign mat­ters for the plas­tics, rub­bers, and oth­er poly­mer materials. 

Indus­tri­al Diagnosis 

It is main­ly aimed at some issues of the fail­ure rea­sons dif­fi­cult to resolve in enter­prise man­u­fac­ture and research, and we diag­nose the prob­lems by means of fail­ure analy­sis.” For exam­ple, the issues of prod­uct sur­face pale, prod­uct crack­ing, sur­face plas­ti­ciz­er exu­da­tion, and black dot for­eign mat­ter in plas­tic indus­try ; prod­uct sur­face pale, for­eign mat­ter appear­ance in rub­ber indus­try, etc. 

Prod­uct Development

Accord­ing to the prod­uct per­for­mance require­ments pro­vid­ed by cus­tomers, we devel­op qual­i­fied prod­ucts with relat­ed val­ue-added tech­nol­o­gy attrib­uted to our devel­op­ment engi­neers research, test & mea­sure, design exper­i­ment pro­pos­als, and inte­grate mar­ket relat­ed raw materials. 

Equip­ment Superiority

Our analy­sis equip­ment is most­ly pur­chased from Agi­lent Tech­nolo­gies Inc, Shi­madzu, Ther­mo Fish­er Sci­en­tif­ic, and oth­er inter­na­tion­al well-known brands ; with infrared spec­troscopy, pyrol­y­sis gas chro­matog­ra­phy-mass spec­trom­e­try, gas chro­matog­ra­phy, liq­uid chro­matog­ra­phy, atom­ic absorp­tion spec­tropho­tome­ter, ener­gy dis­per­sive X ray spec­trom­e­ter, ther­mo­gravi­met­ric ana­lyz­er, and oth­er large syn­chro­niza­tion ana­lyt­i­cal instru­ments to ensure the accu­ra­cy of analysis. 

Analy­sis Equipment

Sep­a­ra­tion Instrument

Analy­sis Process


Con­sist­ed of var­i­ous ingredients 
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(Rotary evap­o­rateion · Extrac­tion · Counter extrac­tion · Pyrolyze · Ignite · Ultra­son­ic · Nitrol­y­sis · Cen­trifu­gate · Dry · Filter)
arrow - Component Analysis
Com­po­nent 1 · Com­po­nent 2 · Com­po­nent 3 …… Com­po­nent N
arrow - Component Analysis
Col­lect data one by one and do par­al­lel experiments
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Spec­tro­gram analysis
arrow - Component Analysis
Data analy­sis & Report

Ser­vice Category

  • Wat­son has expe­ri­enced many years of accu­mu­la­tion and has devel­oped its exper­tise in the areas of com­po­nent analy­sis and for­mu­la­tion reduc­tion (resins, plas­tics, coat­ings, adhe­sives, inor­gan­ic mate­ri­als, fibers, sol­vents, addi­tives, fine chem­i­cals, rub­ber, etc.);
  • With dozens of patent­ed tech­nolo­gies, the new con­cept of for­mu­la R&D tech­nol­o­gy out­sourc­ing ser­vices is effec­tive­ly applied to R&D and pro­duc­tion of enter­pris­es ; effec­tive­ly short­en­ing the R&D cycle and reduc­ing R&D costs. 

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