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  • D&B Number: 68-718-2908
Haz­ard Statement Pre­cau­tion­ary Statements
Pic­tograms and Haz­ard Codes 9 Pictograms

Haz­ard Statement

There are 72 indi­vid­ual and 17 com­bined Haz­ard state­ments – these are assigned a unique alphanu­mer­i­cal code which con­sists of one let­ter and three num­bers as follows :

  1. the let­ter H” (for haz­ard statement”);
  2. a num­ber des­ig­nat­ing the type of haz­ard as follows :
    2” for phys­i­cal hazards
    3” for health hazards
    4” for envi­ron­men­tal hazards
  3. two num­bers cor­re­spond­ing to the sequen­tial num­ber­ing of haz­ards aris­ing from the intrin­sic prop­er­ties of the sub­stance or mix­ture, such as explo­sive prop­er­ties (codes from 200 to 210), flam­ma­bil­i­ty (codes from 220 to 230), etc.

Haz­ard state­ment overview

Pre­cau­tion­ary Statements

There are 116 indi­vid­ual and 33 com­bined Pre­cau­tion­ary state­ments – these are assigned a unique alphanu­mer­i­cal code which con­sists of one let­ter and three num­bers as follows :

  1. the let­ter P” (for pre­cau­tion­ary statement”);
  2. one num­ber des­ig­nat­ing the type of pre­cau­tion­ary state­ment as fol­lows : – 1” for gen­er­al pre­cau­tion­ary statements
    2” for pre­ven­tion pre­cau­tion­ary statements
    3” for response pre­cau­tion­ary statements
    4” for stor­age pre­cau­tion­ary statements
    5” for dis­pos­al pre­cau­tion­ary statements
  3. two num­bers (cor­re­spond­ing to the sequen­tial num­ber­ing of pre­cau­tion­ary statements)

Pre­cau­tion­ary state­ment overview

Pic­tograms and Haz­ard Codes

Com­pared to the cur­rent EU sys­tem the most notice­able change are the pic­tograms (for­mer­ly : haz­ard sym­bols). While the most of the GHS pic­tograms have an equiv­a­lent in the old sys­tem, the pic­tograms GHS 04, GHS 07 and GHS 08 are com­plete­ly new.
The GHS Sys­tem is built on 16 phys­i­cal, 10 health and 3 envi­ron­men­tal haz­ard class­es and com­pris­es the fol­low­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion elements :

9 Pic­tograms

Haz­ard class and haz­ard category :
Explod­ing Bomb GHS01
exploding bomb jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Unsta­ble explosives
Explo­sives of Divi­sions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Self reac­tive sub­stances and mix­tures, Types A,B
Organ­ic per­ox­ides, Types A,B
Flame GHS02
flame jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Flam­ma­ble gas­es, cat­e­go­ry 1
Flam­ma­ble aerosols, cat­e­gories 1,2
Flam­ma­ble liq­uids, cat­e­gories 1,2,3
Flam­ma­ble solids, cat­e­gories 1,2
Self-reac­tive sub­stances and mix­tures, Types B,C,D,E,F
Pyrophor­ic liq­uids, cat­e­go­ry 1
Pyrophor­ic solids, cat­e­go­ry 1
Self-heat­ing sub­stances and mix­tures, cat­e­gories 1,2
Sub­stances and mix­tures, which in con­tact with water,
emit flam­ma­ble gas­es, cat­e­gories 1,2,3
Organ­ic per­ox­ides, Types B,C,D,E,F
Flame Over Cir­cle GHS03
flame over circle - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Oxi­diz­ing gas­es, cat­e­go­ry 1
Oxi­diz­ing liq­uids, cat­e­gories 1,2,3
Gas Cylin­der GHS04
gas cylinder jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Gas­es under pressure :
– Com­pressed gases
– Liq­ue­fied gases
– Refrig­er­at­ed liq­ue­fied gases
– Dis­solved gases
corrosion jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Cor­ro­sive to met­als, cat­e­go­ry 1
Skin cor­ro­sion, cat­e­gories 1A,1B,1C
Seri­ous eye dam­age, cat­e­go­ry 1
Skull and Crossbones
skull jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Acute tox­i­c­i­ty (oral, der­mal, inhala­tion), cat­e­gories 1,2,3
Excla­ma­tion Mark
exclamation mark jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Acute tox­i­c­i­ty (oral, der­mal, inhala­tion), cat­e­go­ry 4
Skin irri­ta­tion, cat­e­go­ry 2
Eye irri­ta­tion, cat­e­go­ry 2
Skin sen­si­ti­sa­tion, cat­e­go­ry 1
Spe­cif­ic Tar­get Organ Tox­i­c­i­ty – Sin­gle expo­sure, cat­e­go­ry 3
Health Haz­ard
health hazard jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Res­pi­ra­to­ry sen­si­ti­za­tion, cat­e­go­ry 1
Germ cell muta­genic­i­ty, cat­e­gories 1A,1B,2
Car­cino­genic­i­ty, cat­e­gories 1A,1B,2
Repro­duc­tive tox­i­c­i­ty, cat­e­gories 1A,1B,2
Spe­cif­ic Tar­get Organ Tox­i­c­i­ty – Sin­gle expo­sure, cat­e­gories 1,2
Spe­cif­ic Tar­get Organ Tox­i­c­i­ty – Repeat­ed expo­sure, cat­e­gories 1,2
Aspi­ra­tion Haz­ard, cat­e­go­ry 1
environment jpg - Hazard and Precautionary Statements
Haz­ardous to the aquat­ic environment
– Acute haz­ard, category1
– Chron­ic haz­ard, cat­e­gories 1,2