• D&B Number: 68-718-2908
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Clin­i­cal Chem­istry Raw Mate­ri­als, Mol­e­c­u­lar Diag­nos­tic Raw Mate­ri­als, Immun­odi­ag­nos­tic Raw Mate­ri­als and Coag­u­la­tion Diag­nos­tic Raw Materials


Cus­tom devel­op­ment of the Enzy­mat­ic Reagent, Immune Tur­bidi­met­ric Reagent and Mol­e­c­u­lar Diag­nos­tic Reagent and pro­vide after-sale service


Cus­tom devel­op­ment of Gly­co-enzymes, Gly­co-amino Acids, Sug­ar Nucleotides, Gly­co-probes, Sug­ar Inter­me­dias and Glyco-lipids

Jiang­su Wat­son Bio Ltd was start­ed in ear­ly 2021 and acts as a research and devel­op­ment com­pa­ny, ded­i­cat­ed to the pro­duc­tion and sup­ply of high-qual­i­ty IVD (In vit­ro diag­nos­tic) raw mate­ri­als includ­ing enzymes, car­bo­hy­drates, anti­gens, anti­bod­ies and cus­tom bio­chem­i­cals. With a lab­o­ra­to­ry in Shang­hai Jin­qiao Devel­op­ment Zone, Jiang­su Wat­son pro­vides excel­lent con­tract out­sourc­ing ser­vices (CRO) with after-sale support.


Wat­son relies on the R&D plat­form of insti­tutes and uni­ver­si­ty key labs which have world-class R&D con­di­tions and advanced high-through­put screen­ing, gene cloning and expres­sion technology.


Strong tech­ni­cal to help cus­tomers devel­op and pro­duce IVD (In vit­ro diag­nos­tic) reagents in bio­chem­i­cal, immune tur­bid­i­ty, and POCT plat­form to let cus­tomers achieve high efficency.

Opti­miza­tion & Trans­for­ma­tion of Enzyme Mol­e­cules (IVD Use)

Wat­son has rich expe­ri­ence in enzyme resource explo­ration, opti­miza­tion and trans­for­ma­tion. It can explore new enzyme sources from huge enzyme resources and opti­mize and trans­form the most suit­able enzyme mol­e­cules. Through the estab­lish­ment of exten­sive and in-depth coop­er­a­tion with the pro­fes­sion­al enzyme engi­neer­ing research teams of many famous uni­ver­si­ties, Wat­son can grasp the fron­tier of enzyme engi­neer­ing in time and quick­ly trans­form into the advanced tech­nol­o­gy of the company.

Wat­son can per­form impor­tant enzyme func­tions such as enzyme activ­i­ty, sta­bil­i­ty, sub­strate speci­fici­ty, opti­mum pH, and organ­ic sol­vent resis­tance. By ratio­nal design, new enzyme resources with great­ly improved per­for­mance are quick­ly obtained to meet the appli­ca­tion require­ments of the tar­get enzyme in dif­fer­ent fields such as diag­no­sis, med­i­cine, ener­gy, wash­ing and papermaking.

Selec­tion of Mol­e­c­u­lar Mod­i­fi­ca­tion of Enzyme

LIPASE Ther­mal stability Increase 230 times
GLY­CO­SYL­TRANS­FERASE Cat­alyt­ic activity Increase 380 times
GLU­COSE OXIDASE Ther­mal stability Increase 120 times
CEL­LU­LASE Opti­mal pH Reduce 2 pH units
FRUC­TO­SYLPEP­TIDE OXIDASE Sub­strate specificity Selec­tiv­i­ty increased 700 times
ESTERASE Organ­ic sol­vent resistance Tol­er­ance of 80% ethanol
Β-LAC­TA­MASE Stere­os­e­lec­tiv­i­ty Increase 200 times

Opti­miz­ing Ser­vice of Freeze-dry­ing Conditions

A good freeze-dry­ing process can pre­serve the activ­i­ty of most pro­teins, improve the sta­bil­i­ty of pro­teins, pro­long the stor­age time, and reduce the freight. How­ev­er, pro­tein freeze-dry­ing may cause loss of pro­tein activ­i­ty, aggre­ga­tion and oth­er denat­u­ra­tion prob­lems. Wat­son has been explor­ing pro­tein freeze-dry­ing process and has accu­mu­lat­ed rich freeze-dry­ing expe­ri­ence. It can cus­tomize pro­tein freeze-dry­ing process or opti­mize its orig­i­nal process for customers.

Our Advan­tages on IVD Materials

  • Wide­ly rec­og­nized brand by our served customers
  • Fea­tured prod­ucts in stock for deliv­ery at any time
  • Mature freeze-dry­ing tech­nol­o­gy to ensure of easy trans­porta­tion and storage
  • Time­ly after-sales ser­vice via email to sup­port the use of our products
  • High qual­i­ty mate­ri­als with com­pet­i­tive price

Fea­tured Anti­bod­ies and/​or Anti­gens as IVD Materials

  • Vit­a­min : 25-Hydrox­yvi­t­a­min D, 25-Hydrox­yvi­t­a­min D3, Vit­a­min B12 and Folic Acid
  • Thy­roid Func­tion : Thy­rox­ine t3, Thy­rox­ine t4 and Reverse T3 (rT3)
  • Gonad : Estro­gen like Estri­ol / Oestri­ol / E3, Estra­di­ol / E2 and Estrone / E1 ; Prog­es­terone like P4 and 17α-OH-Prog­es­terone ; Andro­gen like Testos­terone and Androstene­dione / A4 / AED / Δ4-dione
  • Hyper­ten­sion : Aldos­terone, Cor­ti­sol, Angiotensin I, Angiotensin II, Adreno­cor­ti­cotrop­ic hor­mone (ACTH / Adreno­cor­ti­cotropin / Cor­ti­cotropin), S-Adeno­syl-l-homo­cys­teine (SAH), Homo­cys­teine (HCY)
  • Ther­a­peu­tic Drug Mon­i­tor­ing (TDM): Cyclosporine (Cyclosporine A / Ciclosporin), Tacrolimus (FK506), Mycophe­no­lic Acid (Mycophe­no­late / MPA), Sirolimus (RPM / RAPA / Rapamycin / Rapa­mune), Car­ba­mazepine (CBZ), Pheny­toin (Diphenyl Hydan­toin), Val­proic Acid (VPA), Phe­no­bar­bi­tal (Phe­no­bar­bi­tone / Lumi­nal), Methotrex­ate (MTX), Van­comycin (INN), Theo­phylline and Digoxin
  • Drug Abuse Test : Oxazepam (Serenid / Ser­ax / Adum­bran / Lim­bial / Vaben), Lorazepam (Ati­van / Lorax / Quait / Temes­ta), Clon­azepam (Antelepsin / Dark­ene / Clonex / Clonopin / Riv­otril), Olan­za­p­ine (Zyprexa), Parox­e­tine (Parox­etin / Parox­et­inum / Serox­at / Serox­at / Pax­il), Metham­phet­a­mine, Cocaine (Jam / Ery­throx­ylin / Methyl­ben­zoylec­go­nine), Amphet­a­mine, Mar­i­jua­na (Cannabis), Aceta­minophen (Parac­eta­mol), Mor­phine, Oxy­codone (Oxy­codon­um / The­co­dine), Ben­zo­di­azepine (BZD), Buprenor­phine, Phe­no­bar­bi­tal (Phe­no­bar­bi­tone / Lumi­nal), Theo­phylline, Propoxyphene, Opi­um and Ketamine

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