compound no - [E4N]NTf2 CAS WINA-00726 Custom carbohydrate - [E4N]NTf2 CAS WINA-00726




TetraEthy­lAm­mo­ni­um bis(triFluoroMethylSulfonyl)Imide

Mol­e­c­u­lar Structure

WINA 00726 - [E4N]NTf2 CAS WINA-00726

Mol­e­c­u­lar Formula

Mol­e­c­u­lar Weight

CAS Number(Or Ulcho Num­ber for Non-CAS Products)




98% min


Met­al Plat­ing, Elec­trop­o­l­ish­ing, Met­al Repro­cess­ing, Phase trans­fer media, Bat­ter­ies Fuel Cells, Nano­ma­te­ri­als, Indus­tri­al Sol­vents, Nuclear Fuel Red Waste, Enzy­mat­ic Catal­y­sis, Lubri­cants Heat Trans­fer and Solar Ener­gy Con­ver­sion.

Ulcho Link

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our RD com­pa­ny Ulcho Bio­chem­i­cal Ltd (http://​ulcho​.com/), Expert in Car­bo­hy­drate, Nucleotide, Nucle­o­side and Ion­ic Liq­uid, and here is the cor­re­spond­ing link in Ulcho http://​ulcho​.com/[E4N]NTf2-cas-WINA-00726

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