woman applying cream on her skin - Undecylenoyl Phenylalanine – A Brief Introduction to the Chemical Compound

Have you ever won­dered what makes skin whiten­ing prod­ucts work ? The active part of the for­mu­la­tion that makes these prod­ucts effec­tive, there­by con­tribut­ing to the huge suc­cess of some pop­u­lar brands such as Olay ? Today, we reveal the secret. 

It’s a chem­i­cal com­pound called unde­cylenoyl phenylalanine.

What is Unde­cylenoyl Phenylalanine ?

It is a chem­i­cal com­pound — a sub­sti­tut­ed amino acid deriv­a­tive — that is used in skin con­di­tion­ing agents in dif­fer­ent brands of whiten­ing creams and oth­er skin care top­i­cal prod­ucts. The com­pound helps reg­u­late skin pig­men­ta­tion, there­by, improv­ing skin tone and its fair­ness.

Wait, then what is Sepiwhite ?

Sepi­white is basi­cal­ly the com­mer­cial name under which unde­cylenoyl pheny­lala­nine is mar­ket­ed.

Is It an Organ­ic Com­pound or a Non-Inor­­gan­ic Compound ?

It is an organ­ic com­pound.

How It Works ?

To under­stand how the organ­ic com­pound works, one must first under­stand the process of skin tone reg­u­la­tion. Skin tone is depen­dent on the pro­duc­tion rate of skin pig­ment called melanin. The high­er the pro­duc­tion rate, the high­er the skin melanin con­tent, and the dark­er the skin tone. The skin cells that pro­duce melanin are called melanocytes. For melanin pro­duc­tion, melanocytes rely on an enzyme called tyrosi­nase. The activ­i­ty of tyrosi­nase is in turn reg­u­lat­ed by a hor­mone called melan­otropin through a pos­i­tive feed­back mech­a­nism. To sum­ma­rize :

Melan­otropin binds to tyrosi­nase. The enzyme then cat­alyzes the process of melanin production.

Our com­pound in sub­ject — unde­cylenoyl pheny­lala­nine — com­pet­i­tive­ly binds with tyrosi­nase. As it com­pet­i­tive­ly binds to tyrosi­nase, melan­otropin can­not bind to the enzyme. With no melan­otropin, the enzyme can­not syn­the­size the pro­duc­tion of melanin. Hence, the low­er the melanin con­tent in the skin, the fair­er the skin tone.

What Skin Con­di­tions the Com­pound Can Be Used to Treat ?

Apart from being used as skin whiten­ing agent, the organ­ic com­pound can also be used to treat : 
  • Liv­er spots
  • Age spots
  • Sun spots
  • Hyper pig­men­ta­tion

Is It Safe ?

Yes, the use of unde­cylenoyl pheny­lala­nine in cos­met­ic prod­uct for­mu­la­tions is con­sid­ered safe, as no evi­dence con­vey­ing its side effects has yet been record­ed. It is a reg­u­lat­ed com­pound and is used by all estab­lished cos­met­ic prod­uct man­u­fac­tur­ers. This brings us to the end of our dis­cus­sion about unde­cylenoyl pheny­lala­nine. We hope the infor­ma­tion shared in this post would serve to be a valu­able resource for you.

Look­ing for a Supplier ?

We can help. Wat­son Inter­na­tion­al Ltd. deals in the sales and trad­ing of high qual­i­ty phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and cos­met­ic agents — resourced from our net­work of RD com­pa­nies of FCAD group. The stocked prod­uct, unde­cylenoyl pheny­lala­nine, is devel­oped by our trust­ed part­ner, Apnoke Sci­en­tif­ic Ltd. We also accept online pay­ments via cryp­tocur­ren­cy — Bit­coin and Ethereum. Con­tact us for more details.