compound no - Why Prostaglandin Analogs Are Used For Treating Glaucoma And Ocular Hypertension

Prostaglandins are the most com­mon and first line agents for low­er­ing intraoc­u­lar pres­sure. Prostaglandin agents were intro­duced in the Unit­ed States in 1996 and soon became com­mon and pop­u­lar due to their poten­cy, safe sys­temic side effect pro­file and once dai­ly dos­ing. Three most com­mon prostaglandin analogs are avail­able in the Unit­ed States. They include : bimato­prost, latanoprost and travo­prost. Prostaglandins reduce the intraoc­u­lar pres­sure by increas­ing the out­flow of aque­ous most­ly by enhanc­ing the oveoscle­r­al path­way. They do not have an effect on aque­ous pro­duc­tion. It is believed that prostaglandins improve the uveoscle­r­al path­way by alter­ing the cil­iary body and scle­ra archi­tec­ture. This makes it more amenable to aquous egress through stim­u­la­tion of col­la­ge­nas­es and matrix met­all­pro­teinas­es and the relax­ation of cil­iary mus­cle bundles. 

Pros of Prostaglandins

Prostaglandins are the most potent typ­i­cal agents for low­er­ing intraoc­u­lar pres­sure. Prostaglandins pos­sess the high­est peak mean dif­fer­ence from base­line intraoc­u­lar pres­sure as com­pared to any oth­er class of top­i­cal antiglau­co­ma agent. The rel­a­tive change from mean base­line at peak is 31 to 33 per­cent. All three analogs, travo­prost, bimato­prost and latanoprost pos­sess the same effi­ca­cy. How­ev­er, indi­vid­ual patients may respond dif­fer­ent to drugs with­in this class. Addi­tion­al­ly, prostaglandin analogs have not shown any sig­nif­i­cant mea­sur­able side effects, but the fact remains that some peo­ple expe­ri­ence a few minor adverse effects to this drug. Accord­ing to recent research­es, bimato­prost and travo­prost are effec­tive for cos­met­ic use as well. They have been found to pro­mote eye­lash growth. Bimato­prost and travo­prost eye drops, when used, thick­en the eye­lash­es ; how­ev­er, it is advised that these eye drops are applied on the upper eye­lash­es only. Also, being new analogs, they do not degen­er­ate ; thus, can be sold in large quan­ti­ties as well. It should always be made sure that these eye drops are not uti­lized more than once a day. Always con­sult your doc­tor before using any of these eye drops. Inform him/​her of any aller­gies you suf­fer from and the med­ica­tion you take dai­ly. If you’re look­ing for any of these glau­co­ma effec­tive analogs, get in touch with our team. We, at Wat­son Inter­na­tion­al, ensure that all your unique needs are met. We also offer chem­i­cals such as cyclo­hexa­ne­di­aminete­traacetic acid, unde­cylenoyl glycine and numer­ous others.