compound no - High purity Sulfhydryl Functionalised Silica CAS 7631-86-9


CAS Number



High puri­ty Sulfhydryl Func­tion­alised Silica


Sulfhydryl mod­i­fied sil­i­cone
Met­al adsor­bent



White pow­der

Safe­ty Data


NONH for all modes of transport

Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our High puri­ty Sulfhydryl Func­tion­alised Sil­i­ca CAS 7631-86-9


This prod­uct is an inno­v­a­tive func­tion­al mate­r­i­al that can be used in bio­med­ical prod­uct purifi­ca­tion, elec­tron­ics
Chem­i­cal purifi­ca­tion, high-per­­for­­mance chem­i­cals and fine chem­i­cals purifi­ca­tion, etc., effec­tive­ly remove or recov­er var­i­ous pre­cious met­als and organ­ic impu­ri­ties. This prod­uct is designed through a pre­cise com­bi­na­tion of syn­thet­ic chem­istry, mate­ri­als chem­istry and coor­di­na­tion chem­istry to com­bine func­tion­al groups with dif­fer­ent coor­di­na­tion capa­bil­i­ties into inor­gan­ic mate­ri­als to achieve high sta­bil­i­ty, mak­ing the final prod­uct resis­tant to met­al ions (such as pal­la­di­um, cad­mi­um, mer­cury, lead, arsenic). etc.) or organ­ic mol­e­cules and oth­er impu­ri­ties have strong adsorp­tion and cap­ture capa­bil­i­ties with high selec­tiv­i­ty and high targeting.


98% min

Shelf Life

3 years


Under room tem­per­a­ture away from light

Known Appli­ca­tion

  1. Used for the removal and recy­cling of var­i­ous pre­cious metals ;
  2. Used for bio­med­i­cine, plant extrac­tion, purifi­ca­tion, and recycling ;
  3. Used for purifi­ca­tion and recy­cling of elec­tron­ic products
  4. Used for recy­cling pre­cious met­als from waste liquid ;


  1. High pro­por­tion of pre­cious met­als can be recov­ered from the adsorbent
  2. Do not intro­duce impu­ri­ties and do not dam­age cus­tomer products
  3. Large adsorp­tion capac­i­ty, high selec­tiv­i­ty, and low tar­get residues
  4. Strong sol­vent com­pat­i­bil­i­ty, suit­able for a vari­ety of pH con­di­tions, strong phys­i­cal sta­bil­i­ty  The resid­ual con­cen­tra­tion can reach the required lev­el for dif­fer­ent tar­get sub­stances of customers.
  5. There are var­i­ous types of adsor­bents, which can remove met­al and organ­ic impu­ri­ties and are wide­ly used.
  6. With design, R&D and pro­duc­tion capa­bil­i­ties, func­tion­al mate­ri­als can be quick­ly customized
  7. Easy to oper­ate, sim­ple process, low appli­ca­tion and main­te­nance costs
  8. Own equip­ment, mass pro­duc­tion, sta­ble qual­i­ty and supply


  1. Spe­cial adsorp­tion mate­r­i­al for remov­ing pal­la­di­um ions : It has an effi­cient removal effect on 0-valent pal­la­di­um or +2-valent pal­la­di­um, and the pal­la­di­um con­tent is reduced from 580ppm to less than 0.5ppm.
  2. Spe­cial adsor­bent mate­r­i­al for mer­cap­to sil­i­ca : It has an effi­cient removal effect on 0-valent pal­la­di­um or +2-valent pal­la­di­um, and the pal­la­di­um con­tent is reduced from 380ppm to less than 0.5ppm.
  3. Spe­cial adsor­bent mate­r­i­al for lead ion removal : lead con­tent reduced from 35ppm to less than 0.7ppm
  4. Spe­cial adsor­bent mate­r­i­al for nick­el ion removal : nick­el con­tent reduced from 259ppm to less than 2ppm
  5. Spe­cial adsorp­tion mate­r­i­al for mer­cury ion removal : mer­cury con­tent reduced from 21ppm to less than 0.2ppm
  6. Spe­cial adsorp­tion mate­r­i­al for arsenic ion removal : arsenic con­tent reduced from 123ppm to less than 3ppm
  7. Spe­cial adsor­bent mate­r­i­al for zinc ion removal : zinc con­tent reduced from 19ppm to less than 0.2ppm
  8. Spe­cial adsorp­tion mate­r­i­al for remov­ing plat­inum ions : the plat­inum con­tent is reduced from 106ppm to less than 0.5ppm

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Warshel Chem­i­cal Ltd (http://​www​.warshel​.com/).

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