laboratory bottles - Inorganic Chemistry: The Chemistry of Reaction and Synthesis

The impor­tance of hav­ing knowl­edge about the con­cept and prin­ci­ples of inor­gan­ic chem­istry can’t be stressed enough. It seam­less­ly inte­grates with oth­er dis­ci­plines of chem­istry, and helps dri­ve many indus­tri­al process­es towards opti­miza­tion, exe­cu­tion and suc­cess­ful completion.

  • The Sil­i­con Val­ley uti­lizes the chem­i­cal under­stand­ing of the inor­gan­ic ele­ment, sil­i­con, to pro­pel the infor­ma­tion age.
  • The phar­ma­cists work every day with inor­gan­ic solu­tions and sol­vents, to devel­op nov­el drugs and test the effi­ca­cy of the exist­ing ones.
  • The food indus­try, lever­ages their under­stand­ing of the met­al­­lo-enzymesand the func­tion they serve as cat­a­lysts, to speed up indus­tri­al processes.
With­out the under­stand­ing of the con­cepts of inor­gan­ic chem­istry, none of this can ever be pos­si­ble. Now, inor­gan­ic chem­istry in itself is an expan­sive sub­ject to cov­er. Peo­ple have writ­ten books on it and this is just a 5-min read blog post. As such, we can­not cov­er every­thing, but we can at least cov­er the fun­da­men­tals of inor­gan­ic chem­istry.

What is Inor­gan­ic Chemistry ?

Inor­gan­ic chem­istry is the chem­i­cal study of inor­gan­ic com­pounds, includ­ing their prop­er­ties, syn­the­sis and reac­tions with oth­er chem­i­cal com­pounds.

What are inor­gan­ic compounds ?

Inor­gan­ic com­pounds are those com­pounds that do not con­tain car­bon-hydro­­gen bonds. This includes your acids, bases, com­pounds con­tain­ing alka­line earth met­als and tran­si­tion met­als, noble gas­es etc. Does these names sound sim­i­lar to you ? Now, can you estab­lish the relationship ?

What Are the Dif­fer­ent Type of Reac­tions You Come Across in Inor­gan­ic Chemistry ?

Every inor­gan­ic reac­tion can be clas­si­fied under one or more, of the fol­low­ing reac­tion categories : 
  • Com­bi­na­tion Reac­tions :These are the reac­tions in which two or more sub­strates react togeth­er to form a product.
  • Decom­po­si­tion Reac­tions :A decom­po­si­tion reac­tion is a type of reac­tion in which a com­pound, on the action of heat or elec­tric­i­ty, breaks down into its com­po­nent substances.
  • Sin­gle Dis­place­ment Reac­tions :A sin­gle dis­place­ment reac­tion is a reac­tion in which an atom of a com­pound, dis­places the atom of anoth­er ele­ment, present in the oth­er involved com­pound, to form a new product.
  • Dou­ble Dis­place­ment Reac­tions : These are the reac­tions in which ele­ments from two dif­fer­ent com­pounds, dis­place each oth­er to form new compounds.
These chem­i­cal reac­tions can be writ­ten down as chem­i­cal equa­tions.

Prop­er­ties of Inor­gan­ic Compounds

Inor­gan­ic com­pounds can vary in prop­er­ties depend­ing on the type of bond present between its con­stituent atoms and mol­e­cules. How­ev­er, most of the inor­gan­ic com­pounds used in indus­tri­al set­tings are ion­ic com­pounds. The com­pounds usu­al­ly have high melt­ing and boil­ing point, with the abil­i­ty to con­duct elec­tric­i­ty in liq­uid state — i.e., either when they are molten or mixed in an aque­ous solu­tion. This brings us to the end of our dis­cus­sion about the fun­da­men­tals of inor­gan­ic chem­istry. We hope the infor­ma­tion shared in this post would serve to be a valu­able resource for you.

Buy Inor­gan­ic Indus­tri­al Chem­i­cals Online

Do you have a need for an inor­gan­ic indus­tri­al chem­i­cal to sup­port your indus­tri­al process­es ? At Wat­son Inter­na­tion­al Ltd., we have the solu­tion for you. We stock inor­gan­ic and organ­ic chem­i­cal prod­ucts resourced from high­ly estab­lished RD com­pa­nies of FCAD group. Our range of prod­ucts include Hexa­chlorophos­p­hazene CAS, that com­pa­nies use as a phase trans­fer cat­a­lyst and in fer­til­iz­ers, along with oth­er inor­gan­ic chem­i­cals. You can choose the prod­uct that you need, spec­i­fy the quan­ti­ty by email­ing us the con­sign­ment details and pay for it online. We accept pay­ments through cred­it cards and in the form of cryp­tocur­ren­cy as well.