compound no - L-Rhamnosidase CAS 37288-35-0


CAS Number


EC Number




Native Peni­cil­li­um sp. α-Rham­nosi­­dase ;
α-Rham­nosi­­dase 78A from Strep­to­myces aver­mi­tilis, Recom­bi­nant ;
α-L-rham­nosi­­dase ;
Native Ther­momi­cro­bia sp. Naring­i­nase (Rham­nosi­dase A);



White pow­der

Safe­ty Data


NONH for all modes of transport

WGK Germany


Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our L-Rham­nosi­­dase CAS 37288-35-0


The prod­uct is pre­pared by sub­merged fer­men­ta­tion of Aspergillus niger. a-L-rham­nosi­­dase (EC3.2.1.40) is a spe­cif­ic gly­co­side hydro­lase that acts on a-1,2, a-1,3, a-1,4, a-1,6 and a 1-linked gly­co­sidic bonds. and a 1-linked gly­co­sidic bonds, hydrolysing the non-reduc­ing a-L-rham­no­­sidic bond bound to the end of the sub­strate, while releas­ing rham­nose and the cor­re­spond­ing lig­and. a-L-rham­nosi­­dase acts syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly with β-glu­­cosi­­dase to specif­i­cal­ly hydrol­yse some nat­ur­al prod­ucts such as naringin, rutin and quercetin to remove bitterness.

Source of strains

Aspergillus niger

Rham­nosi­dase activ­i­ty U/​g≥50000
Sen­so­ry indicatorsLight yel­low pow­der ( colour may vary slight­ly from batch to batch due to fer­men­ta­tion raw mate­ri­als, cycles etc. but does not affect the effi­ca­cy of use)
Weight loss on drying(%)≤8.0
Fine­ness (80 mesh stan­dard sieve pass rate) (%)≥90
Total arsenic (as As)/(mg/kg)≤3
Total num­ber of bac­te­r­i­al colonies/​(CFU/​g)≤50000
Col­iform bac­te­ria(CFU/​g)≤30
Escherichia coli (MPN/​g)≤3.0
Sal­mo­nel­la (25g)Not detect­ed

Prod­uct Efficacy

1.Plant extracts can replace acid and alka­line hydrol­y­sis, reduc­ing envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­tion and increas­ing the yield of active ingre­di­ents ;
2.It is used to remove the bit­ter­ness of naringin from cit­rus juice and to hydrol­yse naringin into rham­nose and tan­ger­ine gly­co­sides, of which tan­ger­ine gly­co­sides are impor­tant pre­cur­sors for the indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion of sweeteners.

3.Acts on ter­pene gly­co­sides to improve the aro­ma com­po­si­tion of grape juice, wine and bev­er­ages, etc. and to pro­duce food addi­tives ;
4.It can hydrol­yse naringin and lemon bit­ter­ness in fruits of the Rutaceae fam­i­ly to remove bit­ter­ness from the juice, thus mak­ing the juice sweet and sour with a pleas­ant taste ;
5.It can improve the bioavail­abil­i­ty of flavonoids and can be used in the pro­duc­tion of func­tion­al drinks ;
6.Catalytic hydrol­y­sis of ruti­noside for the tar­get­ed biosyn­the­sis of iso­quercitrin, which could be a hot new drug com­pound ;
7.Catalyzes the syn­the­sis of naringin, which can be used as a raw mate­r­i­al for a vari­ety of pharmaceuticals.

Enzv­mat­ic Properties

Tem­per­a­ture of action : opti­mum 50℃-60℃, effec­tive 30℃-90℃.
pH of action : opti­mum pH 4.0-5.0, effec­tive pH 3.0-8.0.


Safe­ty : nat­ur­al fer­ment­ed sources for a high lev­el of safe­ty.
High­ly effec­tive : sol­u­ble in water, high­ly active, spe­cif­ic and effective.

Direc­tions For Use And Rec­om­mend­ed Dosage

Add direct­ly or to the reac­tion solu­tion.
The rec­om­mend­ed dosage is 0.01 %-0.5%, the opti­mum dosage is deter­mined after test­ing accord­ing to the process characteristics.


1 kg/​pack, Skg/​pack, 25kg/​pack


Store in a cool, dry envi­ron­ment, out of direct sun­light ; keep intact or in closed con­tain­ers when storing.

Shelf Life

24 months

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Ulcho Bio­chem­i­cal Ltd (http://​www​.ulcho​.com/).

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