compound no - Low temperature electrolyte


Low tem­per­a­ture elec­trolyte

Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our Low tem­per­a­ture electrolyte

Detailed Spec­i­fi­ca­tion

Grade 1

Elec­trolyte grade WI62
War­ran­ty period 6 months(Unopened) Cath­ode material LCO,NCM
Sol­vent composition EC/EMC/DMC/EA Anode mate­r­i­al Arti­fi­cial graphite
Mois­ture content ≤15ppm Cycle per­for­mance After 300 Cycles, the capac­i­ty reten­tion is more than 85%, and after 500 cycles ; the capac­i­ty reten­tion is more than 85%
Acid­i­ty content ≤50ppm Applic­a­ble battery Soft pack­age, Alu­minum shell
Den­si­ty >1,10g/mL Low tem­per­a­ture performance Under-10℃ and for 16 hours, Capac­i­tance play is more than 70% at 0.2C
Con­duc­tiv­i­ty 11.0-13.0ms/cm Low tem­per­a­ture performance After 1000 Cycles, the capac­i­ty reten­tion 60% at 0.2C Under-40℃
Chro­ma ≤50Hazen

Grade 2

Elec­trolyte grade WI06
War­ran­ty period 6 months(Unopened) Cath­ode material NCM,LMO+NCM
Sol­vent composition EC/DMC/EMC Anode mate­r­i­al Arti­fi­cial graphite
Mois­ture content ≤15ppm Cycle per­for­mance After 300 cycles the capac­i­ty reten­tion is more than 85%, and after 500 cycles the capac­i­ty reten­tion is more than 80%
Acid­i­ty content ≤50ppm Applic­a­ble battery Soft pack­age, Alu­minum shell
Den­si­ty >1,25g/mL Low tem­per­a­ture performance Under-30℃ and for 16 hours, Capac­i­tance play is more than 70% at 0.2C
Con­duc­tiv­i­ty 10.0-12.0ms/cm High tem­per­a­ture performance Under 60℃ for 7 days with full charge, the expan­sion rate is less than 5%
Chro­ma ≤50Hazen Safe­ty The bat­tery does not smoke, fire, explode under 3C 10V over­charge and acupuncture


This series of elec­trolyte is main­ly used for LCO, LMO, NCM and anode mate­ri­als is com­pos­ite graphite, arti­fi­cial graphite. The elec­trolyte is suit­able for cylin­der, soft pack­age and alu­minum shell bat­tery which has good low tem­per­a­ture per­for­mance.

Gen­er­al View of Documents

Low temperature electrolyte - Low temperature electrolyte

Low tem­per­a­ture electrolyte


This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Warshel Chem­i­cal Ltd(http://​www​.warshel​.com/), and here is the cor­re­spond­ing linkhttp://​www​.warshel​.com/​l​o​w​-​t​e​m​p​e​r​a​t​u​r​e​-​e​l​e​c​t​r​o​l​y​te/

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