2062663 67 46 - PEG4 Aldehyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46


CAS Number



PEG4 Aldehyde-azide



Mol­e­c­u­lar Formula


Mol­e­c­u­lar Weight




Col­or­less to pale yel­low vis­cous oil

Safe­ty Data


NONH for all modes of transport

WGK Germany


MSDS Download

Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our 

Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Methods



95% min

Shelf Life

1 year


Please store the prod­uct at 0-5°C away from light for long time.

Known Appli­ca­tion

PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide is a poly­eth­yl­ene gly­col (PEG) link­er to facil­i­tate anti­­body-drug con­ju­gate (ADC) devel­op­ment projects. PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide finds wide appli­ca­tions in bio­log­i­cal research and bio­med­i­cine. It can be used to mod­i­fy bio­mol­e­cules such as pro­teins, pep­tides, or nucle­ic acids, alter­ing their prop­er­ties or func­tions. PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide reacts with spe­cif­ic func­tion­al groups in bio­mol­e­cules, allow­ing the intro­duc­tion or cross-link­ing of func­tion­al groups, there­by chang­ing the sol­u­bil­i­ty, sta­bil­i­ty, or tar­get­ing prop­er­ties of bio­mol­e­cules. Fur­ther­more, PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide can be employed as a build­ing block for drug deliv­ery sys­tems. By con­ju­gat­ing PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide with drug mol­e­cules, it enhances the water sol­u­bil­i­ty, pro­longs the cir­cu­la­tion time in the body, and improves the tar­get­ing of drugs. This drug deliv­ery sys­tem can enhance the ther­a­peu­tic effi­ca­cy of drugs and reduce adverse effects on healthy tissues.

Gen­er­al View of Documents

GC of PEG4 Aldehyde azide CAS 2062663 67 46 1024x405 - PEG4 Aldehyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
GC of PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
MS of PEG4 Aldehyde azide CAS 2062663 67 46  - PEG4 Aldehyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
MS of PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
HNMR of PEG4 Aldehyde azide CAS 2062663 67 46  1024x661 - PEG4 Aldehyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
HNMR of PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
HNMR of PEG4 Aldehyde azide CAS 2062663 67 46 - PEG4 Aldehyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46
HNMR of PEG4 Alde­hyde-azide CAS 2062663-67-46

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Wat­son Bio Lim­it­ed (https://www.watson-bio.com/).

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