compound no - Peptides in Skincare: Learn the Benefits Skincare 300x227 - Peptides in Skincare: Learn the BenefitsOver the pas­sage of time, sci­ence has proven that cos­met­ic pep­tides ful­fill a sig­nif­i­cant role in man­ag­ing wrin­kles and fine lines. So much so that a few stud­ies even claim cos­met­ic pep­tides can reverse the signs of aging. How­ev­er, the mil­lion dol­lar ques­tion is : how do pep­tides present in cos­met­ic prod­ucts make your skin sup­ple and younger ? And giv­en the fact that almost all cos­met­ic prod­ucts, par­tic­u­lar­ly anti-aging creams, con­sist of this ingre­di­ent, it is impor­tant to know what pep­tides are :

What are Pep­tides for Skin Care ?

The human skin is major­ly com­posed of col­la­gen. Col­la­gen is a pro­tein that com­pris­es a long chain of amino acids that are con­nect­ed to one anoth­er. In order to under­stand pep­tides bet­ter, it is impor­tant to under­stand the role of collagen 
  • Col­la­gen serve as a foun­da­tion and main­tains the skin’s nat­ur­al thick­ness and texture,
  • Women aged below 30 have suf­fi­cient lev­els of col­la­gen in their skin – a key rea­son why their skin seems smooth and tight,
  • As women start aging (after the age of 30) their skin nat­u­ral­ly starts pro­duc­ing less­er quan­ti­ties of col­la­gen. As a result, their skin becomes thin, sag­gy and wrinkled.
When col­la­gen break­down takes place, short­er chains of amino acids are pro­duced. In oth­er words, small­er and more active, known as pep­tides, emerge. In the field of skin­care, pep­tides yield dra­mat­ic results par­tic­u­lar­ly when it comes to attain­ing anti-aging ben­e­fits. Pri­mar­i­ly, cos­met­ic pep­tides ful­fill two rev­o­lu­tion­ary roles in the field of skin­care :

Improves Col­la­gen Pro­duc­tion for a Younger-Look­ing Skin

As we age, the nat­ur­al col­la­gen present in our skin dete­ri­o­rates on account of var­i­ous fac­tors (both envi­ron­men­tal and non-envi­ron­­men­­tal). How­ev­er, in most cas­es, this loss is not ful­ly replaced. Con­se­quent­ly, our skin gets thin­ner, filled with fine lines and wrin­kles. When col­la­gen breaks down, it gen­er­ates cer­tain pep­tides. Accord­ing to a Research from the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health (NIH), these pep­tides send a sig­nal” to your skin that the lost col­la­gen must be replaced with new one. So, when anti-aging creams (con­sist­ing of cos­met­ic pep­tides) are applied to the skin, the skin believes it to be a col­la­gen break­down prod­uct and the body must now pro­duce new col­la­gen. So, cos­met­ic pep­tides can pro­duc­tive­ly cur­tail wrin­kles and pro­vide your skin with a more youth­ful appear­ance. There­fore, der­ma­tol­o­gists often rec­om­mend peo­ple to use a good cos­met­ic pep­tide anti-aging cream.

Removes Wrin­kles and Fine Lines

Anti-aging creams that are com­posed of cos­met­ic pep­tides are increas­ing­ly grow­ing to be pop­u­lar because of their effec­tive­ness. For instance, Acetyl Hexa­pep­tide has been deemed a safer, afford­able, and less­er inva­sive sub­sti­tute to Botox. Cos­met­ic pep­tides are addi­tion­al­ly known to relax the facial mus­cles. As a result, the appear­ance of wrin­kles and fine lines are reduced to a min­i­mum. In most cas­es, it’s com­bined with Leupha­syl, a key ingre­di­ent which facil­i­tates the relax­ation of minus­cule mus­cles under­neath the skin. This is pre­dom­i­nant­ly use­ful for van­ish­ing wrin­kles sur­round­ing the eyes and fore­head. When search­ing for good-qual­i­­ty pep­tides, it’s wise to resort to a glob­al­ly rec­og­nized com­pa­ny that has estab­lished cus­tomer trust and cred­i­bil­i­ty. Being one of the top chem­i­cal trad­ing com­pa­nies and man­u­fac­tur­ers, we also deal in a range of chem­i­cal prod­ucts such as cat­a­lysts, Methy­lum­bel­lif­er­yl alpha-D glu­copy­ra­noside, NiX­an­th­phos, syn­thet­ic amino sug­ar com­pounds and oth­ers. For more infor­ma­tion about our range of cos­met­ic pep­tides, don’t for­get to browse the cos­met­ic pep­tide brochure.