Structure of Recombinant Protein A CAS 91932 65 9 - Recombinant Protein A CAS 91932-65-9


CAS Number



Recom­bi­nant Pro­tein A



White or off white powder

Safe­ty Data

WGK Germany


Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our Recom­bi­nant Pro­tein A CAS 91932-65-9

Puri­ty (HPLC)



Clear liq­uid


≤1 cfu/​mg

UV Spectrum

E275/250 ≥ 1.2

E0.1% at 275nm = 0.17-0.23


Sin­gle major band


25000±1000 Dal­tons


Pro­tein A is a mem­brane pro­tein of Staphy­lo­coc­cus aureus and can specif­i­cal­ly bind to anti­bod­ies. Pro­tein A affin­i­ty chro­matog­ra­phy columns have become wide­ly used as affin­i­ty columns for puri­fied anti­bod­ies from ascites, serum and cell cul­ture iso­lat­ed or puri­fied extracts of anti­bod­ies from dif­fer­ent sub­types of mam­mals or genet­i­cal­ly engi­neered recom­bi­nant pro­teins con­tain­ing anti­body Fc frag­ments. alka­li pro­tein A is our com­pa­ny inde­pen­dent research and devel­op­ment pro­duc­tion, with inde­pen­dent intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights. Recom­bi­nant pro­tein A is expressed by E. coli and puri­fied by chro­matog­ra­phy to give a puri­ty of 95% or more. The purifi­ca­tion process does not use anti­body col­umn affin­i­ty chro­matog­ra­phy to avoid the pos­si­bil­i­ty of incor­po­ra­tion of unre­lat­ed IgG in the product.


Pro­tein A mutant of Staphy­lo­coc­cus aureus , expressed in E. coli

Sta­bil­i­ty of storage

Recom­bi­nant pro­tein A lyophilized should be stored under 2-8℃ in sealed con­tain­er. It is sta­ble with­in 24 months.When glu­ing even with PBS (pH7.4) dissolved,it is now with the cur­rent use. After dis­solved with pure water, it should be stored under -20℃.

Sta­bil­i­ty of transport

The prod­uct is sta­ble by blue ice insu­la­tion transport.


1.Non-antibody col­umn purifi­ca­tion, the prod­uct with­out any oth­er anti­bod­ies such as IgG and oth­er pol­lu­tion.
2.SPA-25 pH tol­er­ance range, can with­stand 0.5 M NaOH and 0.5M HCl treat­ment, no degra­da­tion, anti­body bind­ing capac­i­ty unchanged.
3.The prod­uct has a spe­cial­ly designed link for the purifi­ca­tion of the col­umn, can be direct­ly used for the prepa­ra­tion of pro­tein A col­umn.
4.Stable qual­i­ty : Mass pro­duc­tion can ensure sta­ble and con­tin­u­ous batch pro​duc​tion​.It is no dif­fer­ence between the batch and the prod­uct qual­i­ty is sta­ble.
5.High puri­ty : High­er spe­cif­ic activ​i​ty​.Host pro­tein residues is less than the lim­its of bio­log­i­cal products.

Known Appli­ca­tion

The C-ter­mi­nus of the recom­bi­nant pro­tein A con­tains cys­teine which can be cou­pled to the sol­id sep­a­ra­tion medi­um for purifi­ca­tion of the mon­o­clon­al anti­body or poly­clon­al anti­body. Recom­bi­nant pro­tein A can be con­ju­gat­ed to a vari­ety of reporter mol­e­cules (flu­o­res­cent dyes, enzyme labels, biotin, col­loidal gold, radioac­tive labels, etc.) with­out affect­ing its bind­ing to the anti­body. These con­ju­gat­ed pro­tein A deriv­a­tives can be used for anti­body detec­tion of West­­ern-blot, ELISA, immuno­his­to­chem­istry.

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Wat­son Bio Ltd(https://​www​.wat​son​-bio​.com/), and here is the cor­re­spond­ing linkhttps://​www​.wat​son​-bio​.com/​r​e​c​o​m​b​i​n​a​n​t​-​p​r​o​t​e​i​n​-​a​-​c​a​s​-​9​1​9​3​2​-​6​5​-9/

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