Structure of Trimethoxysilane Terminated Polyether CAS 216597 12 5 - Trimethoxysilane Terminated Polyether CAS 216597-12-5


CAS Number



Trimethoxysi­lane Ter­mi­nat­ed Polyether


Co-For­­mu­la CFS-015 ;
Silane Mod­i­fied Poly­mer, Tri­ethoxy Ter­mi­nat­ed ;
Co-For­­mu­la CFS-125 ;
Silane Mod­i­fied Poly­mer, Trimethoxy Terminated



Col­or­less Trans­par­ent Liquid

Flash Point


Safe­ty Data


It is trans­port­ed as non-haz­ar­dous goods.

WGK Germany


Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our Trimethoxysi­lane Ter­mi­nat­ed Poly­ether CAS 216597-12-5


Trimethoxysi­lane Ter­mi­nat­ed Poly­ether is a trimethoxysi­lane ter­mi­nat­ed poly­ether, which main chain is PPO (polypropy­lene oxide). It hydrolyzes in the pres­ence of mois­ture with cat­a­lyst (such as amine catal­y­sis, or Tin.) by releas­ing methanol and final­ly form a sta­ble silox­ane network.

Trimethoxysi­lane Ter­mi­nat­ed PolyetherM12M330
Vis­cos­i­ty (25℃)/ mpa.s7000-1000025000-45000
Density(25℃)/ g/​cm30.98-1.020.95-1.02
Cat­a­lyst Dosage (Tin, %)0.1% – 1%0.1% – 1%
Stor­ageKeep in a cool and dry place and avoid stor­age in direct sunlight.Keep in a cool and dry place and avoid stor­age in direct sunlight.
Pack­ag­ingIn 200L PVF Steel Drum, inner pack­age is alu­minum foil bagIn 200L PVF Steel Drum, inner pack­age is alu­minum foil bag
Self life12 months12 months
Char­ac­ter­is­tics1.Low vis­cos­i­ty, Low mod­u­lus.
2.High active, fast cur­ing.
3.Could mix with nor­mal addi­tives well.
4.High trans­paren­cy.
5.Excellent mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties.
6.Widely bond to substrates.
1.Middle to low mod­u­lus.
2.High active, fast cur­ing.
3.Could mix with nor­mal addi­tives well.
4.Excellent mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties.
5.Widely bond to substrates.
Appli­ca­tionsM12 is a main mate­r­i­al of adhe­sive, sealant, per­fu­sion glue and coat­ings, etc. It is cured by absorb­ing
mois­ture in the air with the pres­ence of cat­a­lyst (such as amine, tin, etc.) at room tem­per­a­ture. Depend on
cus­tomers’ need, we could design it to one com­po­nent series for­mu­la prod­ucts, which could bond to wide
range of substrates.
M330 is a main mate­r­i­al of adhe­sive, sealant, per­fu­sion glue and coat­ings, etc. It is cured by absorb­ing
mois­ture in the air with the pres­ence of cat­a­lyst (such as amine, tin, etc.) at room tem­per­a­ture. Depend on
cus­tomers’ need, we could design it to one com­po­nent series for­mu­la prod­ucts, which could bond to wide
range of substrates.
Pro­cess­ingM12 could react with water or by absorb­ing mois­ture in the air, so it is impor­tant to iso­late mois­ture dur­ing
pro­duc­tion and stor­age.
The dosage of M12 could be flex­i­bly changed in the for­mu­la­tion design, and it could be mixed with most
filler such as nano cal­ci­um car­bon­ate, heavy cal­ci­um car­bon­ate, fumed sil­i­ca, quartz pow­der,
diatoma­ceous earth, alu­minum hydrox­ide, etc.
In order to avoid pre-cur­ing of the prod­uct, it is nec­es­sary to remove water from the filler, and our NQ-71
(VTMO) is gen­er­al­ly used as water scav­enger.
In order to get per­for­mance, you could mix with oth­er addi­tives togeth­er, for exam­ple, tack­i­fiers,
antiox­i­dants, mildew inhibitors, light sta­bi­liz­ers, etc. To get bet­ter adhe­sive per­for­mance, you could add
oth­er cou­pling agents, gen­er­al­ly use our NQ-792, NQ-551, NQ-55, etc.
M330 could react with water or by absorb­ing mois­ture in the air, so it is impor­tant to iso­late mois­ture
dur­ing pro­duc­tion and stor­age.
The dosage of M30 could be flex­i­bly changed in the for­mu­la­tion design, and it could be mixed with most
filler such as nano cal­ci­um car­bon­ate, heavy cal­ci­um car­bon­ate, fumed sil­i­ca, quartz pow­der,
diatoma­ceous earth, alu­minum hydrox­ide, etc.
In order to avoid pre-cur­ing of the prod­uct, it is nec­es­sary to remove water from the filler, and our NQ-71
(VTMO) is gen­er­al­ly used as water scav­enger.
In order to get per­for­mance, you could mix with oth­er addi­tives togeth­er, for exam­ple, tack­i­fiers,
antiox­i­dants, mildew inhibitors, light sta­bi­liz­ers, etc. To get bet­ter adhe­sive per­for­mance, you could add
oth­er cou­pling agents, gen­er­al­ly use our NQ-792, NQ-551, NQ-55, etc.
This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Warshel Chem­i­cal Ltd(http://​www​.warshel​.com/), and here is the cor­re­spond­ing link http://​www​.warshel​.com/​t​r​i​m​e​t​h​o​x​y​s​i​l​a​n​e​-​t​e​r​m​i​n​a​t​e​d​-​p​o​l​y​e​t​h​e​r​-​c​a​s​-​2​1​6​5​9​7​-​1​2​-5/

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