compound no - Vaccinia Capping Enzyme CAS 56941-23-2


CAS Number


EC Number


Vac­cinia Cap­ping Enzyme


Opti­mal reac­tion temperature


Def­i­n­i­tion of active unit

Def­i­n­i­tion of active unit : 1 active unit is defined as the amount of enzyme need­ed to incor­po­rate 10 pmol of (α32P) GTP into 80nt tran­script with­in 1h at 37℃ .

Safe­ty Data


NONH for all modes of transport

WGK Germany


Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our Vac­cinia Cap­ping Enzyme CAS 56941-23-2

Prod­uct Introduction

This prod­uct is the Vac­cinia Cap­ping Enzyme recom­bi­nant­ly expressed in E. coli. Vac­cinia Cap­ping Enzyme can add the 7-methyl­guano­­sine cap (Cap0) to the 5’ ter­mi­nus of mRNA. This struc­ture can improve the sta­bil­i­ty of mRNA, and is indis­pens­able to sub­se­quent trans­port and translation.

Prod­uct Features

Cap­ping rate as high as 95%; the 5′-Cap struc­ture effec­tive­ly pro­mot­ing the in vivo expres­sion of mRNA.

Product Features 1 - Vaccinia Capping Enzyme CAS 56941-23-2
Prod­uct Features

Prod­uct Composition

Item No.Com­po­si­tionStor­age Tem­per­a­ture
(℃ )
IVac­cinia Cap­ping Enzyme (10 U/​μL))-2040μL400μL
Cap­ping Buffer-20 100μL 1000μL
S-adE­No­­syl­me­thio­n­ine (SAM 32mM)-20 100μL 1000μL
GTP-20 50μL 500μL

10× Cap­ping Buffer con­tains : 0.5M Tris-HCl(pH8.0),50mM KCl,10mM MgCl2 and 10mM DTT.

Qual­i­ty Control

Puri­ty ≥ 95%, resid­ual host cell DNA ≤ 100pg/​mg, resid­ual host cell pro­tein ≤ 50ppm, resid­ual endo­tox­in ≤10EU/​mg, no resid­ual RNase, endonu­cle­ase, exonu­cle­ase or pro­tease, germ-free, pathogen-free.Quality Control

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Ulcho Bio­chem­i­cal Ltd (http://​www​.ulcho​.com/).

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