compound no - Active Ingredients that Fight Signs of Aging Fight Signs of Aging 300x199 - Active Ingredients that Fight Signs of AgingFrom com­bat­ing unwant­ed free rad­i­cals, to facil­i­tat­ing skin’s organ­ic col­la­gen pro­duc­tion, anti-aging prod­ucts have long made promis­es and set high expec­ta­tions. How­ev­er, only recent­ly, some of the major beau­ty and cos­met­ic com­pa­nies have been able to live by their words. Accord­ing to the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Der­ma­tol­ogy, the annu­al rev­enue gen­er­at­ed by anti-aging cos­met­ics and skin­care prod­ucts amounts to bil­lions of dol­lars. Since many beau­ty creams, lotions and serums have suc­cess­ful­ly man­aged to reduce the appear­ance of wrin­kles and signs of pre­ma­ture aging, there are quite a few sig­nif­i­cant ingre­di­ents that have proven their worth. Despite the fact that these beau­ty ingre­di­ents have deemed to be safe and effec­tive for skin use, it’s impor­tant to be aware of how they func­tion. Stat­ed below are 3 active ingre­di­ents found in beau­ty creams and the role they play in dimin­ish­ing com­mon signs of aging :

1. Pep­tides

As we age, our skin los­es essen­tial fats. As a result, it starts devel­op­ing fine lines. More­over, our body starts pro­duc­ing less­er quan­ti­ties of col­la­gen and elastin – ele­ments that keep our skin smooth, sup­ple, and young. Cos­met­ic pep­tides are basi­cal­ly small pro­teins that facil­i­tate the growth of new cells and encour­age the skin to heal. Skin­care experts are quite clear on the fact that pep­tides help slow down the aging process. How­ev­er, they’re still not very sure about its bio­log­i­cal ben­e­fits. There’s still room for study as far as the appli­ca­tion of cos­met­ic pep­tides are con­cerned. What real­ly mat­ters is the for­mu­la­tion used in cos­met­ic prod­ucts to achieve desired results. Gen­er­al­ly, pep­tides are known to work by facil­i­tat­ing the replace­ment of core pro­teins such as col­la­gen, elastin, etc. that are com­pro­mised in the nat­ur­al course of aging. Nonethe­less, experts and der­ma­tol­o­gists state that cos­met­ic pep­tides pro­duce dra­mat­ic results when added to skin hydrat­ing mois­tur­iz­ers. They cer­tain­ly make fine lines less notice­able.

2. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Lac­tic acid, gly­col­ic acid, and cit­ric acid are some of the most com­mon Alpha-hydroxy acids. The best part about them is that they are derived from fruits and milk sug­ars, and hence are organ­ic ingre­di­ents. Alpha-Hydroxy acids are com­mon­ly added to cos­met­ic prod­ucts because they work as an exfo­liant that helps in get­ting rid of dead skin cells and dried up patch­es. This fur­ther allows the growth of new skin cells, restor­ing the glow of the skin. When exfo­li­a­tion takes place, new­er skin lay­er is allowed to come up faster, speed­ing up the skin turnover. How­ev­er, it has some rare side-effects, such as inflam­ma­tion and sen­si­tiv­i­ty.

3. Retinol

Tout­ed as a tried and test­ed method of com­bat­ing com­mon signs of aging, retinol is an organ­ic form of Vit­a­min A. It works by less­en­ing the fine lines and wrin­kles, while aug­ment­ing the tex­ture and elas­tic­i­ty of the skin. There have been abun­dant stud­ies and research­es in the past that prove the effec­tive­ness of retinol when it comes to improv­ing wrin­kles, blem­ish­es and oth­er age-relat­ed skin prob­lems. Fur­ther­more, Retinol is a key ingre­di­ent ordi­nar­i­ly present in a wide range of OTC cos­met­ic beau­ty creams. How­ev­er, a more pow­er­ful form of retinol, known as tretinoin is only avail­able upon pre­scrip­tion. As one of the lead­ing chem­i­cal trad­ing com­pa­nies, we stock a broad array of cos­met­ic pep­tides, cat­a­lysts, cou­pling reagents and oth­er chem­i­cal prod­ucts. Call us now at +1 (909)345 0760-31 to place your orders.