2 4 994 600x348 - Alpha2,3-sialyltransferase;PhAlpha2.3SiaT CAS 2-4-994 E.C.:



CAS Number


EC Number


Reac­tion Equation

Gal-OR + CMP-Sia —— SiaAlpha2,3Gal-OR + CMP

Prod­uct Description

E.coli recom­bi­nant Alpha2,3-sialyltransferase from Pho­to­bac­teri­um phos­pho­reum

Def­i­n­i­tion of Enzyme Activity

One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that trans­fer 1Mumol Neu5Ac from UDP-Neu5Ac to lac­tose to form SiaAlpha2,3Lac per min at 37ºC.


This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Jiang­su Wat­son Bio Ltd (https://​www​.wat​son​.bio/), and here is the cor­re­spond­ing link https://​www​.wat​son​-bio​.com/​A​l​p​h​a​2​,​3​-​s​i​a​l​y​l​t​r​a​n​s​f​e​r​a​s​e​;​P​h​A​l​p​h​a​2​.​3​S​i​a​T​-​c​a​s​-​2​-​4​-​9​94/

Trade­mark Information

This prod­uct is sold with the trade­mark pro­tec­tion, ChemWhat held by Wat­son Inter­na­tion­al.

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