compound no - Copper Peptides: Answer to Anti-aging Anti aging 300x202 - Copper Peptides: Answer to Anti-agingPep­tides take part in myr­i­ad phys­i­o­log­i­cal process­es. Their glob­al recog­ni­tion as nat­ur­al com­pounds, mod­er­ate­ly high sta­bil­i­ty and dis­tinct actions has made them desir­able for var­i­ous skin-relat­ed signs, par­tic­u­lar­ly in anti-aging treat­ment. Fur­ther­more, it is note­wor­thy that as peo­ple age, they wish to main­tain a young and flaw­less appear­ance over time with the use of anti-aging cos­met­ic prod­ucts. Among the wide range of cos­met­ic pep­tides, cop­per pep­tides are increas­ing­ly gain­ing recog­ni­tion and accep­tance. These pep­tides are organ­i­­cal­­ly-occur­ring com­plex­es that have a wide array of skin­care and hair care appli­ca­tion since 1990s. These are typ­i­cal­ly a com­bi­na­tion of cop­per and 3 amino acids. The human body has cop­per pep­tides in trace amounts. Most com­mon­ly, they’re found in blood, urine, and sali­va. Stat­ed below are some com­mon ben­e­fits of cop­per pep­tides and how they are a solu­tion to anti-aging :

It Slows Down the Aging Process

When our skin is exposed to sun­light, it is affect­ed by var­i­ous envi­ron­men­tal haz­ards and free rad­i­cals that make our skin dull, rough, and life­less. These are some of the promi­nent symp­toms of aging. How­ev­er, cop­per pep­tides pos­sess dis­tinc­tive prop­er­ties that can slow down the skin’s nat­ur­al aging process. Addi­tion­al­ly, cop­per pep­tides pro­mote the pro­duc­tion of col­la­gen and elas­tic. More­over, var­i­ous stud­ies have proven that cop­per pep­tides set off and stim­u­late super­ox­ide dis­mu­tase (SOD), a potent antiox­i­dant enzyme that organ­i­cal­ly exists in the body. This enzyme fights the free rad­i­cals in the skin that con­tribute to pre­ma­ture signs of aging.

It Speeds Up the Process of Heal­ing Dam­aged Skin

Even though cop­per pep­tides today have a wide appli­ca­tion of improv­ing the skin’s appear­ance, Loren Pickart in the 1970s empha­sized its abil­i­ty to repro­duce skin tis­sues in areas where there were scar­ring or oth­er forms of dam­age. This includ­ed any dam­age caused as a result of med­ical con­di­tions, such as acne and dia­betes. Loren Pickart revealed that cop­per pep­tides facil­i­tat­ed the break­down of scarred tis­sues and replaced it with col­la­gen that exists in nor­mal skin. In addi­tion, cop­per pep­tides encour­age the pro­duc­tion of var­i­ous vital com­po­nents that make up a healthy skin such as elastin, pro­teo­gly­cans etc.

Cop­per Pep­tides Sup­port Healthy Hair

Giv­en the fact that hair comes out of the same tis­sue which makes up our skin, it is not sur­pris­ing to learn that cop­per pep­tides aid in keep­ing hair healthy and shiny. Accord­ing to Ms. Leslie Bau­mann, M.D., the author of Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy : Prin­ci­ples and Prac­tice,” GHK is an organ­i­cal­ly occur­ring cop­per pep­tide that’s broad­ly uti­lized in treat­ing var­i­ous hair loss con­di­tions. Fur­ther­more, it helps keep­ing up with hair health after hair trans­plant surg­eries. She report­ed­ly stat­ed that Iamin (an FDA approved cop­per pep­tide prod­uct), when used for heal­ing wounds, also stim­u­lat­ed hair growth in patients. Look­ing for cop­per pep­tides and a range of oth­er cos­met­ic pep­tides ? Head over to a chem­i­cal trad­ing com­pa­ny that’s known for qual­i­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty. Glob­al­ly rec­og­nized as fine chem­i­cal experts, we pro­vide our clients with var­i­ous chem­i­cal prod­ucts includ­ing Epoxypropanoxy­car­bazole, dipalmi­toyl hydrox­ypro­line, and many more. Call now at +44 (0)20 360 89 360-31 (Europe), +1 (909)345 0760-31 (US), +86 512-81863996 (Asia, Africa and Aus­tralia) to place orders.