Disposable Virus Specimen Collection Tube 600x400 - Disposable Virus Sampling Tube | VTM Kit | Viral Transport Medias, GMP Standard and FDA Approved


Our dis­pos­able virus spec­i­men col­lec­tion tube are used for the col­lec­tion and trans­porta­tion of Nov­el Coronavirus/​SARS COV-2, Influen­za, Avian Influen­za, Hand, Foot and Mouth Dis­ease, Measles, Chlamy­dia, Mycoplas­ma, and Urea plas­ma specimens.

Sam­ple Requirements

  • Swab and Tube are ster­il­ized using High Ener­gy Elec­tron Beam Irra­di­a­tion, which can ensure the bio­log­i­cal safe­ty of the sam­pled person
  • Lot num­ber locat­ed on each kit to allow for full spec­i­men trace­abil­i­ty Kits can be stored up to 2 year at room temperature
  • Expi­ra­tion date on each tube, swab and kit Bio­haz­ard Bags with absorbent pad are available
  • Sam­ples avail­able to test and verify
  • Bulk pack­ag­ing avail­able to save cost


Each kit includes a 10ml tube + 3ml VTM liq­uid (Or Medi­um) + 1 sam­pling nasal swab or oral swab (Pick one of two)”.

Indi­vid­ual PackageBulk Pack­age
50 kits/​box50 kits/​box
16 boxes/​carton20 boxes/​carton
Box Size : 225*145*165 mm
Weight : 0.7 kg
Box Size : 225*145*165 mm
Weight : 0.7 kg 
Car­ton Size : 600*480*350 mm
Weight:12.5 kg
Car­ton Size : 620*470*350 mm
Weight : 14 kg


  • GMP con­di­tion and certificates
  • FDA approved
  • 1 mil­lion kits per 5 days
  • Long-term stock for imme­di­ate shipment
  • Audit wel­comed for bulk and long-term purchase

Quick Inquiry

ill out our inquiry form and one of our experts will be in touch with you short­ly (Please change screen to hor­i­zon­tal for com­plete brows­ing if you are check­ing Wat­son on your mobile phone).

    Please prove you are human by select­ing the house.