compound no - Prostaglandin Analogs for Glaucoma

Glau­co­ma is a lead­ing cause of irre­versible blind­ness in the Unit­ed States and the rest of the world. More than three mil­lion Amer­i­cans suf­fer from glau­co­ma. Fur­ther­more, it is esti­mat­ed that about 80 mil­lion peo­ple glob­al­ly will be affect­ed by 2020. Prostaglandin ana­log eye drops are con­sid­ered first line treat­ment for glau­co­ma. These eye drops reduce the intraoc­u­lar pres­sure by 20 to 30 per­cent. Cur­rent­ly there are four dif­fer­ent types of analogs avail­able for treat­ing this dis­ease ; bimato­prost, travo­prost, tafluprost and latanoprost. Out of these four, bimato­prost and travo­prost are the most effec­tive in treat­ing this con­di­tion. In addi­tion to cur­ing glau­co­ma, these med­ica­tions are also used for cos­met­ic pur­pos­es. They can pro­mote eye­lash growth and thick­en them. The rec­om­mend­ed dose for all 4 med­ica­tions is 1 drop admin­is­tered once a day in each eye. Fre­quent use of these eye drops has shown effec­tive results on low­er­ing the intraoc­u­lar pres­sure, thus helps peo­ple to get rid of glau­co­ma. Here’s a review of the two most impor­tant prostaglandin analogs used for treat­ing glaucoma : 


This eye drop is avail­able as a con­cen­trat­ed 0.03% solu­tion. It pos­sess­es the ten­den­cy of caus­ing con­junc­ti­val hyper­emia ; how­ev­er, chances are rare. The bimato­prost solu­tion is man­u­fac­tured and sold under the name, Lumi­gan eye drops. This solu­tion is avail­able in 2.5 ml, 5 ml and 7.5 ml quan­ti­ties. Being a new type of ana­log, it does not degen­er­ate, thus can eas­i­ly be sold in large quan­ti­ties. This med­ica­tion should not be used with­out pre­scrip­tion. Bimato­prost has cer­tain side effects, espe­cial­ly if you are suf­fer­ing from an aller­gy. Speak to your doc­tor to see if this is the right med­ica­tion for you.


Travo­prost is sold under the name, Tra­vatan and Tra­vatan Z. It is avail­able in 2.5 ml solu­tion, 4 ml bot­tle, 5 ml solu­tion and in a 7.5 ml bot­tle. Pri­or to Tra­vatan Z, ben­za­lko­ni­um chlo­ride was used as an effec­tive treat­ment for glau­co­ma. It is a known ocu­lar irri­tant preser­v­a­tive with Sofzia, an ion­ic buffered preser­v­a­tive that is gen­tler on the ocu­lar sur­face. Both these analogs are an effec­tive group of eye drops for treat­ing glau­co­ma. Dos­ing and side effect pro­file of both the analogs are sim­i­lar, thus the choice of prostaglandin ana­log is most depen­dent on cost, preser­va­tion and tol­er­a­bil­i­ty. Get in touch with our team if you’re look­ing for high qual­i­ty prostaglandin analogs are afford­able rtes. At Wat­son Inter­na­tion­al we offer qual­i­ty chem­i­cals includ­ing epoxypropanoxy­car­bazole, unde­cylenoyl glycine and many others.