Structure of Recombinant Lysyl Edopeptidase CAS 72561 05 8 - Recombinant Lysyl Edopeptidase CAS 72561-05-8


CAS Number



Recom­bi­nant Lysyl Edopeptidase


2-Quino­­line­propanoic acid, α-[[[1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-[(phenylmethoxy)carbonyl]-3-isoquinolinyl]carbonyl]amino]- [ACD/​Index Name]
N-({2-[(Benzyloxy)carbonyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-isochinolinyl}carbonyl)-3-(2-chinolinyl)alanin [Ger­man] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
N-({2-[(Benzyloxy)carbonyl]-1,2,3,4-tétrahydro-3-isoquinoléinyl}carbonyl)-3-(2-quinoléinyl)alanine [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
N-({2-[(Benzyloxy)carbonyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-isoquinolinyl}carbonyl)-3-(2-quinolinyl)alanine [ACD/IUPAC Name]
(2R)-2-[[(3S)-2-phenylmethoxycarbonyl-3,4-dihydro-1H-isoquinoline-3-carbonyl]amino]-3-quinolin-2-ylpropanoic acid







Mol­e­c­u­lar Formula


Mol­e­c­u­lar Weight




White or off-white powder

Safe­ty Data

Per­son­al Pro­tec­tive Equipment

dust mask type N95 (US), Eye­shields, Gloves


NONH for all modes of transport

WGK Germany


Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our Recom­bi­nant Lysyl Edopep­ti­dase CAS 72561-05-8


Lysyl endonu­cle­ase, also known as lysyl endopep­ti­dase, Lys-C endonu­cle­ase, is a ser­ine pro­tease orig­i­nal­ly dis­cov­ered and iso­lat­ed from soil bac­te­ria by Masa­ki et al.The enzyme is high­ly spe­cif­ic and specif­i­cal­ly cleaves pep­tide bonds at the car­boxy ter­mi­nus of lysine residues and S- aminoethyl­cys­teine residues​.It has also been report­ed to have a small amount of non- spe­cif­ic cleavage.This enzyme is a very valu­able tool enzyme for pro­tein sequence analy­sis and bio­prod­uct production.The enzyme can be used alone or in com­bi­na­tion with oth­er pro­teas­es, and the digest­ed pro­tein can be used for pep­tide map­ping and prepa­ra­tion of the pro­tein of interest.


  1. No ani­mal ori­gin : no ani­mal dis­eases, no path­o­gen­ic sub­stances, no con­t­a­m­i­na­tion by exoge­nous fac­tors, and high safety.
  2. Qual­i­ty sta­bil­i­ty : This prod­uct is a lyophilized pow­der con­tain­ing a bio­log­i­cal­ly active pro­tec­tive agent. It has been mass-pro­­duced, and the dif­fer­ence between batch­es is small ; the pro­duc­tion scale is more than 1000L.


Recom­bi­nant Lysyl EndopeptidaseMass Spec GradeBio­chem­i­cal Grade
SourceEscherichia coliEscherichia coli
Puri­tySin­gle main band (SDS-
PAGE) with a mol­e­c­u­lar
weight of 27.7 kD ± 2.8 kD
Sin­gle main band (SDS-
PAGE) with a mol­e­c­u­lar
weight of 27.7 kD ± 2.8 kD
Spe­cif­ic activity≥3.0AU/​mg pro. /
Pro­tein content30%-70% (Check COA)30%-70% (Check COA)
Residue DNA≤100ng/​mg pro.≤100ng/​mg pro.
Residue HCP≤100ng/​mg pro.≤100ng/​mg pro.v
Opti­mum pH8.5~9.58.5~9.5
Sol­u­bil­i­tySol­u­ble in bufferSol­u­ble in buffer
Prod­uct UsagePro­tein analysis.1.Production of bio­log­i­cal prod­ucts, such as insulin and ana­log pro­duc­tion, pro­duc­tion of GLP-1 ana­logues.
2.Protein struc­ture and func­tion stud­ies, such as pro­tein mass spec­trom­e­try, sequenc­ing, pep­tide map­ping analy­sis.
3.Production of small mol­e­c­u­lar pro­teins or pep­tides, such as cos­met­ic pep­tides, antimi­cro­bial pep­tides, food fla­vor pep­tides, and the like.
Enzy­mat­ic syn­the­sis of Lys-X com­pounds.
5.The cul­ti­va­tion of stem cells and pri­ma­ry cells.

Enzyme activ­i­ty definition

At 30 ° C, pH 9.5, the amount of enzyme that pro­duces 1 μmol of p-nitroani­­line per minute for the cat­alyt­ic sub­strate is 1 AU.

Rec­om­mend­ed Method

1.Protein prepa­ra­tion. The pro­tein was dis­solved in a solu­tion of 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.2.Proteins with low sol­u­bil­i­ty or denat­u­ra­tion treat­ment can be sol­u­bi­lized by incu­ba­tion with a min­i­mum vol­ume of dena­tur­ing agent such as 8 M urea or 6 M guani­dine hydrochlo­ride at 25 ° C to 37 ° C for 1 h.Proteins that require disul­fide reduc­tion treat­ment can be added to DTT or β-mer­­cap­­toethanol at a final con­cen­tra­tion of 5 mM and incu­bat­ed at 50-60 ° C for 20 min­utes to dis­solve. The vol­ume of the reac­tion solu­tion was adjust­ed so that Tris-HCl was 25 mM, urea was 1 M or less, and guani­dine hydrochlo­ride was 0.1 M or less.
2.Enzyme prepa­ra­tion. The desired enzyme pow­der was weighed and dis­solved in 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.2) to give an enzyme solu­tion con­cen­tra­tion of 1-10 mg/​ml.
3.Digestive response. The amount of 1 g of polypep­tide or pro­tein rec­om­mend­ed enzyme is between 1 and 100 AU​.It is rec­om­mend­ed to react at 25 ° C ~ 37 ° C for 2 ~ 18h. If it is nec­es­sary to ter­mi­nate the reac­tion, acetic acid or hydrochlo­ric acid may be added to adjust the pH to acidity.

Trans­port and Stor­age Stability

Trans­port sta­bil­i­ty : It is trans­port­ed in an ice pack to keep it active.
Stor­age sta­bil­i­ty : Store at -15~-20°C, sta­ble with­in 24 months ; Store in -15 with a solu­tion of enzyme con­cen­tra­tion greater than 1mg/​ml in Tris-HCl buffer pH 8.0 to pH 11.0 ~-20 ° C, repeat­ed freeze-thaw 10 times, no loss of activ​i​ty​.It is rec­om­mend­ed not to exceed 7 days after stor­age at 2~8°C, and no more than 30 days for -15~-20°C.

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Apnoke Sci­en­tif­ic Ltd (http://​www​.apnoke​.com/).

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