compound no - Guar Gum CAS WENA-0216


CAS Number



Guar Gum


Nat­ur­al products

Chem­i­cal Composition

Plant poly­sac­cha­rides and mod­i­fied components

Prod­uct Types

Car­boxymethyl hydrox­ypropyl guar gum,hydroxypropyl guar gum,guar gum hydrox­ypropyl trimethyl ammo­ni­um chloride,hydroxypropyl guar gum hydroxypropyl,trimethyl ammo­ni­um chlo­ride, car­boxymethyl guar gum.



Pale yel­low powder

Safe­ty Data


NONH for all modes of transport

WGK Germany


Spec­i­fi­ca­tions and Oth­er Infor­ma­tion of Our Guar Gum CAS WENA-0216

Two spec­i­fi­ca­tion

Food grade and Indus­tri­al grade (for oil field use).


25KG/​bag, out­er lay­er kraft paper, inner lay­er PE film bag.

Shelf Life

2 years


Under room tem­per­a­ture away from light


Guar gum is a nat­ur­al poly­mer known to be effec­tive and water sol­u­ble. At low con­cen­tra­tions, high­ly vis­cous solu­tions can be formed ; exhib­it non-New­­ton­ian rhe­o­log­i­cal prop­er­ties, and form acid-reversible gels with borax due to its unique properties.

Known Appli­ca­tion

Wide­ly used in oil frac­tur­ing, drilling and oth­er thick­en­ing pur­pos­es, as well as food addi­tives, print­ing and dye­ing and archi­tec­tur­al coat­ings and oth­er industries.

Oth­er Deriv­a­tives of Guar Gum

Descrip­tion of Hydrox­ypropyl guar

Hydrox­ypropyl guar is chem­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied from guar pow­der and has many excel­lent prop­er­ties. Com­pared with guar col­la­gen pow­der, the water-insol­u­ble mat­ter and gel-break­ing residue are great­ly reduced, which can adapt to the frac­tur­ing oper­a­tion with well tem­per­a­ture above 90 degrees Cel­sius, and the chem­i­cal sta­bil­i­ty is great­ly improved. At the same time, HPG is a kind of high-grade non-ion­ic thick­en­er, which has good com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with base flu­id, and is the most wide­ly used frac­tur­ing thick­en­er in my country.

Items/​SpecoficationSpecofi­ca­tion ISpecofi­ca­tion IISpecofi­ca­tion III
Appear­ancePale yel­low powderPale yel­low powderPale yel­low powder
Water insol­u­ble matter≤4.0%≤4.0%≤8.0%
Appar­ent vis­cos­i­ty (cps, 30°C, FANN35, 100rpm, 0.6% aque­ous solution)≥40≥37≥35
Hydrox­ypropyl degree of sub­sti­tu­tion PO MS≥0.30≥0.30≥0.15

Descrip­tion of Instant guar gum

Instant guar gum is a pure nat­ur­al guar gum with­out chem­i­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tion. The vis­cos­i­ty release speed is fast, and the release vis­cos­i­ty reach­es 90% in three min­utes. In this way, the vis­cos­i­ty of guar gum is ful­ly uti­lized, easy to use, cost is reduced, and qual­i­ty is improved. It ful­ly coop­er­ates with the cur­rent con­tin­u­ous mix­ing frac­tur­ing con­struc­tion tech­nol­o­gy, short­ens flu­id prepa­ra­tion time, saves flu­id stor­age space, and achieves improved frac­tur­ing. The pur­pose of con­struc­tion effi­cien­cy and sav­ing con­struc­tion costs.

Items/​SpecoficationSpecofi­ca­tion ISpecofi­ca­tion II
Appear­ancePale yel­low powderPale yel­low powder
Appar­ent vis­cos­i­ty (cps, 25°C, FANN35 300rpm,0.48%,2.0%KCL)3min : 40
60min : 45
3min : 35
60min : 40

Descrip­tion of Car­boxymethyl hydrox­ypropyl guar gum

Car­boxymethyl hydrox­ypropyl guar gum is an anion­ic poly­mer dou­ble-mod­­i­­fied by guar gum. It is a new oil­field frac­tur­ing thick­en­er devel­oped for the spe­cial require­ments of high tem­per­a­ture well frac­tur­ing. It has good high tem­per­a­ture resis­tance. And shear resis­tance, good sand-car­ry­ing abil­i­ty, low fric­tion, easy con­struc­tion, com­plete glue break­ing, low glue break­ing liq­uid residue, lit­tle dam­age to the oil lay­er, easy to mix and oth­er unique prop­er­ties. It is an ide­al high tem­per­a­ture frac­tur­ing thickener.

Items/​SpecoficationSpecofi­ca­tion ISpecofi­ca­tion IISpecofi­ca­tion IIISpecofi­ca­tion Ⅳ
Appear­ancePale yel­low powderPale yel­low powderPale yel­low powderPale yel­low powder
Water insol­u­ble matter≤4.0%≤4.0%≤6.0%≤6.0%
Appar­ent vis­cos­i­ty (cps, 25°C, 100rpm, 0.48% solution)
4 min(Water)36343331
4 min(Water)35333230
4 min(Water)41393735
60min (1%kcl)40383634
Car­boxymethyl degree of sub­sti­tu­tion CM DS0.1-0.30.1-0.30.1-0.30.1-0.3
Hydrox­ypropyl degree of sub­sti­tu­tion PO MS0.1-0.30.1-0.30.1-0.30.1-0.3

Descrip­tion of Cation­ic guar gum

Cation­ic guar gum is a cation­ic poly­mer made from nat­ur­al renew­able nat­ur­al resource guar beans after purifi­ca­tion and chem­i­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tion. It can effec­tive­ly increase the vis­cos­i­ty of the for­mu­la­tion sys­tem, and the shear thin­ning rhe­o­log­i­cal prop­er­ties can make thick The for­mu­la­tion sys­tem has excel­lent spread­abil­i­ty and can achieve good con­di­tion­ing prop­er­ties in com­bi­na­tion with anion­ic sur­fac­tants in the sham­poo sys­tem. As a thick­en­er and con­di­tion­er, it has a wide range of appli­ca­tions in prod­ucts such as sham­poos, con­di­tion­ers, body wash­es and hand soaps.

Items/​SpecoficationSpecofi­ca­tion ISpecofi­ca­tion IISpecofi­ca­tion III
Appear­ancePale yel­low­ish white powderPale yel­low­ish white powderPale yel­low­ish white powder
Viscosity(1% brook­field 3#,20PRM)≥2000mpa.s≥4000mpa.s≥500mpa.s
Nitro­gen content1.3-1.71.5-2.01.0-1.5
Colonies num­ber≤500cfu/​g≤500cfu/​g≤500cfu/​g
Appli­ca­tionMain­ly used in sham­poo, show­er gel, facial cleanser, hand soap and oth­er productsMain­ly used in sham­poo, show­er gel, hand soap and oth­er prod­ucts that require high­er con­di­tion­ing performanceMain­ly used in trans­par­ent sham­poo, hand san­i­tiz­er and oth­er trans­par­ent products

This prod­uct is devel­oped by our R&D com­pa­ny Ulcho Bio­chem­i­cal Ltd (http://​www​.ulcho​.com/).

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