Chemical Reagents - Your Definitive Guide to Using Chemical Reagents Safely

Work­ing with chem­i­cals isn’t an easy job as a strict imple­men­ta­tion of pre­cau­tion­ary and safe­ty mea­sures is required. Acci­dents can hap­pen any­where, there­fore it’s bet­ter to have a risk-mit­i­­ga­­tion plan in place from the get-go. Chem­i­cal pose an envi­ron­men­tal and phys­i­cal threat to the humans, fail­ure to adhere to safe­ty guide­lines leads to neg­li­gence, which can cause work­place injury or even death.

Guide­lines for Safe­ly Han­dling Chem­i­cals at Work

Keep­ing inventory 

Care­ful­ly read and record the chem­i­cal label and MSD or mate­r­i­al data sheet. Using unfa­mil­iar chem­i­cal reagent puts you at a risk. Make sure you know the chemical’s nature or char­ac­ter­is­tics, before you start using it. The most com­mon infor­ma­tion to gain, before test­ing a new chem­i­cal is as follow : 
  • Chem­i­cal com­pat­i­bil­i­ty : can you safe­ly mix this chem­i­cal with oth­er reagents with­out caus­ing an explosion ?
  • Check chem­i­cal reac­tiv­i­ty : some agents can be high­ly reac­tive, when exposed to mois­ture or oxy­gen. Read the chem­i­cal for­mu­la, before expos­ing it to the environment.
  • Chem­i­cal flam­ma­bil­i­ty : check to see if the chem­i­cal is high­ly flammable.
  • Deter­mine if the chem­i­cal is volatile in nature.
  • Tox­ic chem­i­cals require spe­cif­ic han­dling and treat­ment pro­ce­dures. Deter­mine if your chem­i­cal is a muta­gen or car­cino­gen. Have a risk- mit­i­ga­tion or safe­ty pro­to­col in place, in case a work­er is exposed to this chemical.
  • Dif­fer­ent pro­tec­tive gear is required for dif­fer­ent types of chem­i­cals, know what you need, in order to safe­ly han­dle the chemical.


The Mate­r­i­al Data Sheet con­tains all the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion regard­ing the struc­ture, risk of expo­sure and safe­ty guide­lines of han­dling chem­i­cals. As per Arti­cle 31 of EUs Reach Reg­u­la­tion (EC) No 1907/2006, all haz­ardous chem­i­cals that pose a threat to the envi­ron­ment and human should have a detailed safe­ty data sheet. Study it care­ful­ly, before using or stor­ing the prod­uct.

Train­ing and Handling

Employ­ees need to be prop­er­ly trained and edu­cat­ed about the risk of chem­i­cal expo­sure. Pro­vide them with nec­es­sary safe­ty gear and con­duct drills and emer­gency pro­to­col sim­u­la­tions to pre­pare them for any type of acci­dent. Com­pa­nies who deal with haz­ardous chem­i­cals should always have a safe­ty train­ing pro­gram in place to keep their employ­ees up to date about chang­ing safe­ty guide­lines. In addi­tion to this, your office/​factory should have the nec­es­sary alarm, fire-extin­guish­ing or safe­ty sys­tem to reduce the impact of an acci­dent caused by chem­i­cal expo­sure.

Prop­er Storage 

Store chem­i­cals accord­ing to the guide­lines of safe­ty sheet and make sure they are labeled cor­rect­ly and clear­ly. All inflam­ma­ble or tox­ic mate­r­i­al should have clear haz­ardous signs on them. More­over, avoid stor­ing flam­ma­ble mate­r­i­al near machin­ery, igni­tion, heat, or gas cylin­der. Store them in an iso­lat­ed place, to pre­vent any type of acci­dents. Com­pa­nies face a lot of back­lash, when they mis­han­dle haz­ardous sub­stance or use wrong dis­pos­al meth­ods. Expo­sure to harm­ful chem­i­cal has detri­men­tal con­se­quences. In addi­tion to the dam­age done to the envi­ron­ment and human health, your com­pa­ny can also lose public’s trust. Use a trust­ed chem­i­cal sup­pli­er, who fol­lows safe­ty guide­lines and pro­vide qual­i­ty chem­i­cal solu­tions like, Wat­son Inter­na­tion­al. We pro­vide a wide range of qual­i­ty prod­ucts that can be used across dif­fer­ent indus­tries includ­ing phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, cos­met­ic, elec­tron­ic food and more. Our chem­i­cal solu­tions are devel­oped by R&D com­pa­nies of FCAD group. Our new line of chem­i­cals includes, Halofug­i­none, cus­tom nucleotides, Epoxypropanoxy­car­bazole, cus­tom syn­the­sis of car­bo­hy­drates and more. For order place­ment or more details about our prod­ucts, call at +1 (909)345 0760-31 or fill the inquiry form.