compound no - Analyzing the Versatility of Halofuginone

Chem­i­cal deriv­a­tive of febrifug­ine, Halofug­i­none is a nat­ur­al quina­zoli­none found in Chi­nese herb Dicho­ra. Pre­vi­ous­ly, the drug was used in vet­eri­nary med­i­cine ; how­ev­er, today it is being devel­oped for the treat­ment of scle­ro­der­ma and has received orphan drug des­ig­na­tion from FDAMolecular structure - Analyzing the Versatility of Halofuginone

Fig­ure : Mol­e­c­u­lar Struc­ture of Halofuginone

Halofug­i­none is an inhibitor that inhibits the devel­op­ment of T helper 17 cells. The immune cells play a sig­nif­i­cant role in autoim­mune dis­ease ; how­ev­er, it does not have any effect on oth­er types of T cells that are involved in nor­mal immune func­tion. It there­fore has the poten­tial for the treat­ment of autoim­mune dis­or­ders. Since it also inhibits col­la­gen type I gene expres­sion, research is being car­ried out to under­stand the effect of drug on tumor cell growth. Halofug­i­none as inhibits the enzyme Glu­tamyl Pro­lyl tRNA syn­thetase, and as the said enzyme is inhib­it­ed, it leads to the buildup of uncharged pro­lyl tRNAs. The build-up trig­gers the amino acid star­va­tion response. It in turn exerts anti-inflam­­ma­­to­ry and antifi­broic effects.

Cur­rent Research Studies

Tox­i­c­i­ty stud­ies in nor­mal vol­un­teers and ani­mals revealed no major side effects. The drug was top­i­cal­ly used in a patient suf­fer­ing from scle­ro­der­ma. Col­la­gen is anoth­er impor­tant com­po­nent of the stro­ma that is involved in endothe­lial cell migra­tion and assem­bly to form and employ new blood ves­sels – angio­gen­e­sis. Both angio­gen­e­sis and stro­mal sup­port are extreme­ly impor­tant for tumor growth. Based on the ratio­nale, var­i­ous tumor mod­els are used such as prostate can­cer, blad­der car­ci­no­ma, and glioma. Inhi­bi­tion of col­la­gen demon­strat­ed inhi­bi­tion of col­la­gen α1 (I) gene expres­sion by Halofug­i­none. Halofug­i­none caused inhi­bi­tion of angio­gen­e­sis that arrest­ed the growth of tumor. There­fore, the inhi­bi­tion of col­la­gen type I syn­the­sis offers an attrac­tive new tar­get for can­cer ther­a­py. A num­ber of pos­si­ble tar­gets for Halofug­i­none ther­a­py pose enor­mous clin­i­cal prob­lems, most of these with­out solu­tions.

Halofug­i­none has the abil­i­ty to be inject­ed, giv­en local­ly and oral­ly in extreme­ly low con­cen­tra­tions, to inhib­it col­la­gen col­la­gen α1 (I) syn­the­sis tran­sient­ly at the tran­scrip­tion­al lev­el indi­cates that this com­pound meets the cri­te­ria for a suc­cess­ful and effec­tive antifi­broic and anti-can­cer therapy.

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