compound no - Extend The Life Of Your Lithium Ion Batteries With These Tips Lithium Ion Batteries 300x215 - Extend The Life Of Your Lithium Ion Batteries With These TipsBat­tery researchers are empha­siz­ing on lithi­um to such an extent that one could imag­ine that the future of bat­tery depends on lithi­um. There are a host of rea­sons that sup­port the use of lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies. And most of them clar­i­fy in many ways how lithi­um is bet­ter off than oth­er chem­i­cals. The appli­ca­tions of lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies are ris­ing and are influ­enc­ing mar­kets that for­mer­ly were dom­i­nat­ed by lead-acid. Also, most satel­lites today are being oper­at­ed on lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies. Lithi­um-ion hasn’t so far com­plete­ly devel­oped. And in today’s mobile world, bat­tery life is valu­able. Here are some effec­tive tips that will help you pro­long lithi­um-ion bat­tery life :

Always Keep the Bat­ter­ies at Room Temperature

By room tem­per­a­ture, we mean that bat­ter­ies need to be kept under tem­per­a­ture that ranges between 20-25°C. Do not place it under very high tem­per­a­tures. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that heat is the lead­ing rea­son why lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies drain over time.

Car­ry a High Capac­i­ty Lithi­um-Ion Battery

Bat­ter­ies get obso­lete over pas­sage of time and it’s a nor­mal process. Regard­less of whether they are being con­sumed or not, they depre­ci­ate over time. So, it’s impor­tant to under­stand that a spar bat­tery will not last longer than the one being used. You need to keep in mind the aging attrib­ut­es of a bat­tery when buy­ing one. Always buy those that have the most recent date of man­u­fac­ture.

Avoid Full Discharges

Full Discharges 300x190 - Extend The Life Of Your Lithium Ion Batteries With These TipsNick­­el-cad­mi­um bat­ter­ies have a charge mem­o­ry and lithi­um-ion ones don’t. This also means that lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies don’t need com­plete dis­charge cycles. As a mat­ter of fact, it’s always good to make use of semi-dis­­charged cycles. How­ev­er, experts rec­om­mend that once you charge your gad­gets for around 30 times, you shouldn’t let lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies to drain or dis­charge. When you con­tin­u­ous­ly charge your bat­tery par­tial­ly, it leads to a state known as dig­i­tal mem­o­ry. This state decreas­es the pre­ci­sion of gadget’s pow­er mea­sure. The best thing to do is let the bat­tery release charge till the cut-off point and then put it on charge. This recal­i­brates the pow­er gauge. To get your hands on one of the finest elec­trolytes for lithi­um-ion bat­ter­ies, place on order with us right now. We have in stock LiBOB, LiODFB, and LiBF4. In addi­tion to these salts, you will also find 344-14-9, 343781-41-9, 157283-66-4, and more.